Tyrande and Horde [Night Fae Spoiler]

Was kind of excited to see what would happen with Tyrande but it felt like a retread of Legion. Being told I’m a terrible person, but they need me so they will tolerate my presence. All this culminating into Tyrande telling me to atone for my sins and it really bugged me. All of legion was like this as well with the every other zone came another Alliance hero I needed to quest with while getting nothing but snide remarks.

As always, I can’t adequately explain how jarring the Horde PC experience is in the game. At times the game forces me to work under Alliance heroes and in the next I am a mass murder. This just keeps flip flopping over and over. Even just some flavor text like “Yo, I know I shouldn’t trust Horde but you already saved Malf and Tyrande like 3 times now so your cool” would of been nice. It seems like all Horde player accomplishments are just swept under a rug and only the grimy parts remain.

I didn’t write the crappy story events but I feel like I am reminded about it an awful lot. Like I am being personally blamed for their failing dumpster fire narrative.


We play the horde they have to remind us atleast once an xpac that we are horrible monsters who are past redemption and we deserve nothing short of death. They are really good at writing…

Really destroys your immersion right? Go from happy to be in a new xpac to throwing the crap from BfA that nobody liked or wanted right back in your face. Makes you go from caring about Tyrande and such to not giving a crap about that entire story arc.

I get she’s mad, and she should be, but it was just one of those “and here we go” moments where ya sigh.


Amazing isn’t it? I’m glad they’re not just “forgetting” the events of BfA, but its honestly shocking how often they shame the Horde players for the decisions they made for our faction. With truly very little consideration for the Faction itself in the long term. Sigh … it is what it is…


well to be fair, the horde did commit genocide. So any good will was burnt by them.


She never had any good will towards us to begin with. But I believe what OP is referring to is Blizz writing things in such a way that has led them to actively shaming the Horde player for their choices we had no say in … for 2 years and counting now. We went from being totally irrelevant in Legion, to being repeatedly shamed for how awful we are for choosing to play Horde.


Well the problem is a lot of people didn’t care for or ask for that story.


Shandris is like “I don’t want to go with a Horde :/” and I’m like “Listen, I am doing you a favour. I’d much rather be doing mog runs now, so do you want help or nah”.


I warned you about the Night Elf Covenant, bro.


Maybe they should start splitting up questing where it matters again. :thinking:


In beta the hate was a lot less pronounced, but they got feedback about how it made no sense for them to be such with what happened at Teldrassil so they unfortunately ramped the hate dial up.

I still honestly feel that story arc was written for night elves in specific as we got unique dialog. It is Blizzard’s slightly out of touch way of saying “sorry for burning down your entire zone… and chopping down/blighting your other zone… and murdering everyone in your other zone… it really seemed a good way to drive faction pride at the time.”

Horde players should of just gotten the Bwon and Vol’jin arc instead; I know as Alliance you feel super awkward doing it.


People have a weird lust for narrative agency in a game that has always been on rails. We’ve never had any agency over events.

We can complain about story beats, but saying “I didn’t want to burn Teldrassil” means nothing to the narrative. The Horde pc did aid in the destruction of Teldrassil and npcs who were negatively impacted by that react to it.

You can make the argument that Horde shouldn’t be working with Tyrande at all and I agree, but to make the argument that your pc shouldn’t be called out because Blizzard made a narrative decision you canonically took part in makes no sense.


Let this be a lesson to never join any Alliance adjacent covenants/orderhalls/whatever because Blizzard will make the Horde miserable.


But Bossman and Loa’jin :frowning:


This is inherently the heart of the problem. The narrative always splits us up to be at odds, but then forces us together in the next patch to help Alliance kill the bad Horde. It makes it very hard to rp any consistency into a Horde character because there is none. There simply isn’t any Horde heroes in the “hero” spotlight anymore during any of our team ups.

I appreciate the well reason responses here and my complaint is not that it is out of character or unexpected for Tyrande. But it sucks that the Horde is constantly forced to work with people that spit on them over and over with the past horrors being brought up but none of the good. As I stated before, I have worked with Tyrande, Malf and every other Alliance character against my faction more so than the opposite, but those are never even referenced.


Youtube exists for a reason. It is literally never worth it to join an Alliance adjacent covenant/organization.

Blizzard has written the game strictly and only for the Alliance for a ridiculously long time. They aren’t going to stop now.


Well them making you work with Tyrande was a mistake anyways. I can only assume they did so to give some Horde players a chance to heal some of the damage their faction did.

Or they were just lazy. It’s probably that. Someone said earlier they should have just made the Bwon and Tyrande quests faction specific and I agree.


People please, the fact that covenant was gonna be a freaking waste of Hordies´ time was evident since the very leveling. Imagine “cleaning the House” -to put it in cute terms- of the Winter Queen while she and everybody else dwelling there ignores your mision, ignores you just want to ask her ONE question and uses you to fix their problems and “cure” the afflictions of the One Dragon Aspect that literally NEVER supported nor even interacted with the faction -and that no surprise, tells you she would have attacked us in “defense” of her Nelf pets-… just to be told at the end of all that hard random work “lul, no idea, go ask the Vampire guy in Revendreth!!!” /MASSIVE FACEPALM

I think the tmogs aren´t even good enough to justify wasting my gameplay time with Ardenweald. ]As far as my toons are concerned, the Queen and her subjects can cannibalize themselves to death as Ungoliant apparently did back in Tolkien stories, period.


but covenants/orderhalls seems be more alliance adjacent.

Night Fae, Kyrian seems to alliance adjacent. I would also include Venthyr as well, it seems to be human goth theme. That only leaves Necrolords and this covenant blows for warriors :frowning:

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yea it been looking like that since WOD…


Would you rather she just kill you?

Cause…she SHOULD just kill you.