Tyrande and Horde [Night Fae Spoiler]

That you picked the badguys. But that doesn’t mean you should miss out on story content.

And she’s supposed to know when exactly each member of the Horde joined? She doesn’t know your backstory, she just knows that you currently fight under the banner of the people that destroyed her home.


Despite their flaws, I think they broadly care about money and perceived loss. I mean, you have people saying the whole Tyrande BfA storyline is in reaction to their anger. WoW has still dropped from the peak and a business still should want to operate in what it perceives as optimum profit.

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Game being led by Alliance factioned, or old Alliance heroes, Bolvar, and his daughter Taelia. Night Elf focused zone where Tyrande is insulting Horde characters helping her. An entire Horde faction that is deeply based in the expansion style getting completely ignored, and sidelined for the story or Alliance based story, or just getting ignored. The Orcs were ignored in Legion, this time the Forsaken are FOR A SECOND TIME! (WotLK being first!) Every Horde, and probably most, if not all, Alliance players saw this Legion 2.0 expansion comming from a mile away. I just hope the gameplay is as good, if not even better.

There’s a reason I consider there are only 3 covenants in the game. If I wanted to get insulted by something I pay for just merely existing, I’d just start by paying Twitter, or any social media for that matter. It’s a video game, why would any gaming company insult their player base WHILE GETTING PAID BY SAID PLAYERS?!?! Though makes sense and is par for the course, every company seems to be insulting their fans and followers these days.

shrug very glad I went for Maldraxxus, seems like the only Horde zone, doubt it insults Alliance players too, so that’s doubly good.


Well that sure is a take. O_o


Us Vulpera joined the Horde only after armistice, after Sylvanas left. Yet Tyrande and her daughter are mad at me for some reason?

You’d think we would share a kinship with the Night Elves. Having our homes and people set on fire.

Then again, can’t remember if the Night Elves were also there burning down our homes and people before we joined the Horde.


I’d rather finish the job and be guilty than be punished for something I had absolutely no part in. If I’m getting the same punishment either way, it might as well be worth it.


Also, Tyrande being mean is kinda in character.

She has a very strict shoot first ask later policy.


I know it can be fun, but there is no need to turn this into an Alliance vs Horde RP discussion. Im fine with Alliance characters hating me for things the Horde does, but they should also acknowledge how I save them every few months as well.

I am just tired of the love me/love me not that goes on constantly. Its tiring and hard to write a character around.


The horde character still canonically has to support the person that did it, even if only nominally and just to “play along” per Saurfang’s request (well, unless you reroll vulpera I guess). And also by still being a member of the faction that did it, even if the leader poofed away.


That’s an odd way to say that spies sent to sneak into the governments of genocidal maniacs are worthy of the same executions that said maniacs are guilty of.

I completely disagree with you.

I mean you willingly joined and aided the faction responsible for her loss knowing full well what they had done. It makes sense from her perspective to also be mad at you.


I doubt the Vulpera knew what happened to Teldrassil at the time the Alliance were burning down their homes and people.


Wouldn’t being a spy require that you not actually be a member of the horde and that you’re merely infiltrating it? You’re already in that position to begin with, and both Sylvanas and Saurfang at the time were professing to be horde. And both of them were responsible for starting the war in the first place, regardless of whether or not it makes sense for the story to say that.


Look up Trigon.

I’m just saying she is an Avatar of Vengeance and is slowly losing herself to that influence. It makes sense she’d be mad at you just by association.

I’m not saying she is necessarily right, I’m just saying her reaction makes sense.

Then what is her daughter’s excuse? Is she afflicted by some sort of mental illness as well?

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Same with the Zandalari


Guilt by association.

But more likely, Blizzard just not making unique dialogue for race.


This is 100% the issue. Blizzard is the King of Lazy, what with being a small indie developer.


Alright, fair enough on the spy bit.

I still disagree with my original point and think the horde player canonically has guilt by association but I know we won’t budge on that part.