Typical experience playing WoW vs other games

Turning WoW into a single-player game is a legit solution tho, OP. Just stop playing the lobby game and it’s a better experience.

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So you cant complete that 15 key. If doesnt downgrade. You cant complete the 15, so now youre stuck with a key you can do nothing with.

Solution. Drop it a level, make it slightly easier and give you another chance.

Same reason why a key doesnt upgrade by a single level per completion.

Hey you beat it in half the time, clearly not challenging enough, lets up thr challenge considerably. +3

Ohhh. 5 seconds on the timer. Barely skimmed by. But you did beat it, so you can take on something a bit more challenging. +1

Ope, that +1 was a bit too much. You eithet need a better strategy, or better gear, -1 to help you with both until you can +1 it again

Just offer the option to downgrade it yourself, then.

Or maybe also give it 2-3 chances before it auto-downgrades.

Im just explaining why its in place

There are simply better games to play.

Like the new Zelda.


You think this game is toxic? Try playing Valorant and using voice chat. This game especially sucks if you’re female. Not even that, but Valorant is toxic in all levels, WOW’s toxicity is baby level of toxicity.


Probably because you’re playing on a dead server and aren’t really doing anything as a GM to engage your guild members to do anything worth while.

Sounds like you should stop playing.

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Looking for a raid back then sucked, it was like pugging a mythic key now, when you keep getting declined for keys wasting time.

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I feel this way about the timer, imagine how much more enjoyable the mythic dungeons would be without one. I hate timed things most the time, I just don’t see the point. Yeah you timed a dungeon yay, but what’s the point other than an extra drop of gear? Lucky if you even get that.

No. This is life. Life doesn’t play by the rules. Maybe M+ was designed for groups but 90% of people pug. more than that, probably.

So I should leave guilds where I’ve made friendships just to climb some ladder?

this game is built around favoring doosh canoes. I don’t see any flaw behind giving keys a couple charges

nothing in this game is about needing. Need is food, water, shelter. the fail-safe here is that you can simply lower your key by talking to whichever key vendor is current

I always find it funny when someone uses “acting like” in a forum. Get over yourself lol. it IS a punishment. You get worse gear from a lower key and in this game ilvl is king.

That’s not personal, that’s just the way it is.

Guilds have their own problems. Sure there are advantages but it’s not some magic pill

There you go again trying to make it personal. nowhere did I say I felt singled out. To the contrary I’ve talked about it in general, how I find it seems people are frustrated. YOU seem to be taking this very personally, though. Do you work for Blizzard? Btw it is very hard to debate with someone who makes stuff up

I feel like you would benefit from understanding Occam’s razor

Not liking your character name? Until this moment I honestly had not even thought about your character name. I guess it did sound druid-y? woah you’re going at a mile a minute while I’m just making suggestions to help the game.

But as you say people’s feelings don’t change what it is. When Blizzard designed this system they had feelings and intentions but how it is turned out to be different than what they meant. It is up to you to take what I write as constructive criticism or as an insult/personal. But what I say is in effort to help the game and community.

Having a key deplete is not a favor or helpful. Particularly considering we have the agency to lower our keys at will. It is the repercussion of failure.

It’s OK to disagree but just because you have one experience doesn’t negate that another might have another. That’s just a lack of ability to see beyond one’s own prospective

Just for the record, I am currently in 4 guilds, one of which houses my “main” and runs 20+ keys. During a hot 3 hours a night that I often can’t attend because of work

Just look me up? it’s not hard to find. the tiring thing about you people is that I’ll get blamed if I switch toons every season, or I’ll get blamed if I don’t post on the toons I’m currently playing.

My highest timed key last season was a 24. I haven’t really dug in this season yet so I"ve only run a bunch of 19’s

Again typical person with no argument attacking the person instead of the message because you have no point to make.

lol why are you still going on this? just talk to Lindormi and she’ll lower your key …

We get it. we understand why it is here. But velcro was made for astronauts, and astronauts don’t really use velcro that much anymore. You’re doing the classic faux pas of blaming the user for using the system “wrong”. No, people are given the tools and the game must update to the community.

Look, don’t tell me this. Because right now I am blissfully unaware of the latest installment of Zelda and am frankly prone to loving it because I’ve been playing Zelda games since I was a kid. I’ll probably not shower for several weeks while only eating hot pockets because of that game if I get into it. So just stop! :slight_smile:

I loved your first message, but assuming anything about a forum toon is a folly

I play on Tarren Mill-EU and Illidan-US, my Bloodhoof-US and Zangarmarsh-US toons are old-school alts

I think about this all the time. Maybe completing the dungeon could result in score and not a complete. It says a lot about a person that they are able to complete a hard dungeon. Timing a dungeon can often mean one was simply carried

Person says this game is horrible.
Person keeps on playing it.

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Person only has concept of “black and white”

Person has no comprehension gray areas

Open up GW2. Get daily gift for logging in. Log out.

Open WoW. Check if Brew of the Month Club sent liquor in the mail. Log out.

Open a browser. Pull up WoW forums… Hours of Fun!


Checking this thread so that I can change it up from staring at the group finder for the past hour because I’m falling asleep. Nobody applying to my key. Nobody taking me. My choice for trying to push a couple keys on a hunter this evening

Go play those other games then.

Even more of a reason, just go play those other games. Obviously you don’t like this game.

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Is that a problem that i share my subjective experience, like you were doing? Is that a problem with you that somebody else’s subjective experience is or are different from yours? Because i can tell you right now, that nowhere in my comment i’ve indicated i have a problem with your experience.

And i can honestly say the same exact thing back to you here as well. It’s okay to disagree, but just because you have one experience, doesn’t negate that another might have another.

Unless you’re trying to speak objectively, which in that case, Fun is subjective.

Seeing beyond one’s own perspective doesn’t mean i agree with that perspective.

You might want to take your own advice here. Considering you’re pretty much guilty of this as well given your comment to Latherfal’s comment by dismissing what she has said (in a black and white matter ironically enough) and not seeing Latherfal’s perspective here on why she have said that to you.

idk i login , i q for epic bgs . i have fun repeat x9094039403209203 times on all my alts

Remove greater rifts mythic+,

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I am so glad I don’t run mythics. My goodness the complaints on here about them are nuts.

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