Typical experience playing WoW vs other games

any mmo with hardcore group content works like this.

lol yes this is true. and dragonflight is a huge improvement. class balance in shadowlands was so horrible. on one toon I literally did more than twice the damage than another S2 (I’ll let you guess which specs those were)

I quit in SL season 2 (didn’t enjoy the raid) so i honestly have no clue lol

yeah you wouldn’t be alone. My surv hunter did literally 100%+ more than my ret pally. both with the same gear, and far more experience on the ret pally

We’re talking 24k overall vs 11k overall in a dungeon

So in that sense, things have improved quite a bit. I don’t think Blizzard understands how having short seasons causes people to leave though

To be quite honest I am tempted to log, but there’s too much going on in my life, if I get asked to do a dungeon or an instance, I can’t just pause the game like a single player game unfortunately, and now is not the time on my life to be getting addicted to stuff…

I know that if someone from the real world calls me I have to drop everything…so I can’t commit to any instances and give them my full attention anymore…

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Just tells me you’re in dead guilds and nothing more. Join an active guild or an m+ community. Dead guild is the same as no guild.

Keep things in context here. Unfer the premise you play m+ the way it was meant to be done. In an organized group, aka non pug group, where everyone sticks it out or its understood its a bombed key and you all leave.

That would be a false fail as i have described already. You didnt fail from difficulty, you failed from people being doosh-canoes

Its not about wanting. Its about needing. Its a fail safe to keep things from being impossoble. Gear isnt everything, albeit a major component.

You acting like a downgraded key is punishment is taking it personally.

My whole post explains how the m+ system works since everyone seems to make very subjective takes on it based on their hurt feelings.

Not having to PuG and worry about leavers?

Understanding something is not the same thing as liking it. I get just as bummed as everyone else when i have to work a key back up. I just dont cry about blizzard singling me out and punishing me about it because they hate their players. Big difference.

My example was a little extreme, but thats because people dont usually catch onto simple logic so i go big or go home. But having a key you cannot progress is the same thing. You get stuck at an impassable wall. Which is why the key depeletes.

You may wanna go check on that as the person i was responding to opened their entire discussion, their first post in the thread, with a direct insult and adding nothing to the topic at hand.

By your reasoning, i had won the debate before it had ever started.

But my point still holds true. Peoples feelings dont change what is. You not liking my character name doesnt change that it remains my character name for example.

Mmm no, it would just shift the toxicity from leavers to the hostage holders (key holder). Need to hold both sides responsible if you want to cut it back rather than shift the blame

Thank you for sharing your subjective experiences with WoW and other games, OP. Now here’s mine.

Other games: Open up game. Start adventure/start creating. The fun begins when I log in.

World of Warcraft: Open up game. Start adventure/start creating. The fun begins when I log in.

True, but the rewards have to be enough to where they are accepted as good enough to allow entry into those party-based experiences outside of fixed groups because not everyone is going to “just git a guild” or have a guild that’s any different than pugging.

IO and other things the community done thunk up run completely contrary to that.

If the answer is that there can’t ever be a single pick up group, there can’t ever be queue-able content, or something along those lines…which is where I kind of interpret as somewhat where this goes…then it’s a matter of not having any solo play outside of questing and even then only for the most part.

Or is that the wrong rabbit hole?

…because if you want continue as-is and/or do more you have to get to and meet the “requirements”. i.e. gear from that stuff.

If you want to raid, gotta get on the get-better-gear path. Same with M+. Outside of having IRL friends/family, or walking into a guild that’s not under the illusion that they’re a progression guild…

The power level differences between those difficulty levels weren’t as large either, making it easier to have enough gear to be creditable for the next step up.

This underlying direction, more than anything else barring the community driven gatekeeping, is the thing to point at.

The M+ precursor, challenge mode, wasn’t tied to player power either.

But they tune everything around having the stuff with the highest numbers on them otherwise the people who had them would complain everything is too easy…(oh waitaminute)…

Shamans had (1) for hero/bl to be fair there. You had to have 1 pally per group for buffs until they fixed that, then (1) only. Until the hybrid tax was (mostly) removed.

Then you’re wasting (their) time. It’s the “go gold or go home” mentality. For those who never played W*…either the run is going to result in the maximum possible best reward or not waste any more time on it. They aren’t there to learn.

My coppers on the other games vs wow take.
They’re about the same to begin with, some better, some worse.
It just a matter of where they go to “die” in terms of the content consumption a particular player is looking for.

I’d honestly be finally winding down WoW at this point if not for them finally getting around to some lore bits and the appalling sunk cost I have going.

mmm yes. if there is a repercussion to people’s actions, it will help kill the toxicity. it’s not rocket science. Won’t get rid of it completely, but it will help.

it’s a tough problem though, you’d need to mostly hit only the problems, and give solutions to people who leave for legit reasons

The Hamster Wheel is boring and awful and I hate it. I’d much rather just fly around on my dragon and do all the side quests.

Lillistraza and Happy Duck was such a wholesome side quest and I remember it way more fondly than I do downing Heroic Rasz.


Game has both sets of players and players in between, everything needs to be catered to as much as possible.

I have no issue with them adding more casual content if they can do it without cutting into end game content

There are many variables for sure so it would be a tough problem, for sure.

Glad you actually see that as an issue, most people just brush off the legit reasons to leave as “minor problems” in the system.

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Sounds like you need to join a guild.

Every day there’s another person crying on here about how bad pugging is, but none of you ever seem to want to join a guild or make friends to run with.

Post on the character you do runs with, why do I feel like you are a +10 key Andy?

Right. But now you wont people leaving keys. No toxicity there. But now the key holder holds all the power and will.become the toxic one. So what’s your proposed punishment to stop them from being toxic now?

if only there were guilds in the game, so that people wouldn’t have to deal with these issues… don’t blame the game when you’re doing it to yourself

I’m honestly not even sure why there’s a depletion mechanic in the first place.

Not being able to complete the M+ isn’t punishment enough?

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