Ty blizz for the policy update

Some people don’t, sure, and that’s a disadvantage to them that they can easily change. Working with/communicating with other players is one of the main reasons to have an MMO in the first place, otherwise Blizzard would have/could have saved alot of money by making a single player, skyrim type game. Essentially, communication is a base of this game, as it should be.

Obviously the world isn’t perfect and sometimes communication bites you in the rear end, people need to “Ignore/block” any Negative Nancy’s they come across rather than letting one/few negative experiences dominate how they play the game. I personally love creating “LF chill 3s” groups in LFG with my Boyfriend and making new friends, we do this alot and have made many friends doing this, extending our social circle as well as ensuring a variety of players we can do other content with.

TLDR: Some people do suck, some people don’t. People should use the Ignore/block function and maintain communication attempts.

People had the same option plus badboy to eliminate spam before it will be a hundred times worse now since badboy can’t just have huo added to it to cut 90% of stuff.

thank you blizzard

Serious question: What is going to be done about the amount of racism in game? I could report as I always have but over the years the racist jokes about minorities and people of certain religions is free flowing.

Could we maybe add restrictions to the trade channel only being used for “trade”?

Personally I don’t pug any pvp so I can’t comment on that.

If you’ve ever tried pugging m+ that is the mentality of 99% of the players for 15+ keys.

When I’ve pugged lower keys usually most are welcome but as you get higher the mentality shifts drastically, if you are not overqualified for the key you simply dont get an invite. Especially when you are a dps players why take this player that’s learning when there’s an abundant of 2200+io players.

Players don’t have the patience or time to learn with new players in a timed environment.

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So is Blizzard gonna make changes to the EULA?

Maybe thats what needs to change then, people have shorter and shorter attention spans these days, we shouldn’t be rewarding that imo.

Edit: Also we shouldn’t expect a team that regularly runs +15s to take someone unexperienced per say, we should expect that inexperienced player to find other inexperienced players. This way they all learn together and there’s less frustration.

Blizzard is to blame for this situation.

The world quests gives the new players gear that is higher ilvl than heroic/low M+ dungeons.

New players have no incentive starting from the bottom and will automatically start applying for keys that reward proper upgrades before learning more about the content.

In early S1 before all the catchup mechanics were in place my group was 140ilvl so we did heroic dungeon > M0 > M2 and so on, we learnt while gearing and by the time at made it to 15’s we had already done 100+ keys.

Huh… that’s true :thinking:

Mayhaps mythic dungeons could be locked until that character (not account) has completed the heroic version of the same dungeon? Same for Heroic being locked until Normal is completed?

Edit: An experienced player could complete the normal and heroic dungeon very quickly, low barrier for them.

4 dead people watching me solo bosses is not really teaching them anything. I had this heroic DoS the other day where I had to solo the last boss.

It teaches them more than being a fresh 60 and then buying a carry through a +15.

I have a couple questions by chance.

  1. How often can an advertiser, advertise for a guild?

  2. What are the rule-sets for an advertise to advertise for a guild? Do they need to be a fully active member, I have friends from other guilds who may want to advertise for us to find us buyers and our server alone can’t fill some runs. Do they NEED to have a max level character and play it consistently?

LOL you must not pug M+ a lot. Full of people where when you tell them the mechanics, they say things like “who cares, it’s a 2” and proceed to die to said mechanic. Trust me, I’m all for creating a barrier to who can do a M+, but making them run through normals and heroics isn’t it.

Like imagine if your toon is 215 ilvl and you’ve farmed all of Korthia and you’ve never really done a M+ dungeon.

You look at M0 that drops 197 gear, you’ve already out geared the content that Blizzard has provided to “learn”.

Logically people would start at M5 or higher to get gear upgrades.

Well that’s just it, there’s no answers for your questions, according to others it’s at the GM’s discretion and based on the community. The language is super vague.

M0 drops 210, heroic drops 197 (and normal drops 184 just for completion). Welcome to patch 9.1

So we reward those players by allowing them stay in the group? It’s only a +2, if they don’t learn just inform them you’ll kick them and break the key. If you’re an experienced player, you can break the +2 and just join a similar or higher rated key because you know the mechanics. If you’re the inexperienced player who refuses to learn, you’re going to want to start learning once you get kicked a few times for being an ignorant toss pot. If you’re one of the other 3 players in the group, it’s not your key so you don’t lose anything + welcome to the MMO experience.

That could actually happen, true! I think players who are 215 have generally done a normal dungeon though, pretty sure the levelling zones end in a dungeon quest anyway. All they need to do (if my idea were implemented) is to queue for a heroic of the dungeon they desire, then a M0, then straight to M15 if they wanted. This specific player would lose maybe 1-2 hours of playtime in order to create a clear content progression pathway. Whatcha think?

Dude, I love your name.

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Boosters were contributing to a problem that the dev team have elected to resolve. Never once have i said that the dev team gets off the hook.

Trade chat on Tich today was incredible. People–real people–were talking. It was like the townsfolk coming out of their houses for the first time in years because the dragon was finally dead. I’m so happy about this change.