Ty blizz for the policy update

Wait until you see 200+ guilds spamming to sell on hub servers plus the individual pvp boosters lols

This is a hasty generalization fallacy based on personal bias. Using this logic then anyone killing mobs in a quest zone can be falsely labeled as a bot. Someone learning a new spec at max level could be falsely accused of buying their account. A five on one world pvp advantage could be labeled as griefing.

You don’t have to believe everyone on the internet but you do need to give people the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise. What you’re talking about is pure spite though. You just want to hurt people. Who hurt you?

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now im even more confused. so GDKP is ban now because the raid leader is the middleman?

Thats a false equivalency because to kill mobs in the open world doesn’t require a skill based achievement. Getting ‘x’ rating in arena is not nearly as accessible as hunting mobs in the open world, nor is hunting mobs gated behind rating. I’d listen to a legitimate argument though.

And how shall I seek this proof? Do you expect me to individually investigate every single booster to see if they’re boosting as a member of a community? This is extremely nonsensical.

The reason for making a report is so that Blizzard employees can make an investigation and then decide whether punishment is deserved. This is what they’re paid for. If you are saying that no-one should be allowed to report boosters unless they have ironclad evidence, then we should just remove the report function entirely. If I’m expected to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that my report will result in a ban, why doesn’t Blizzard just provide me with a “Ban” option? Why report at all if the Blizzard employee doesn’t need to investigate before punishment?

Thank you for the clarity, I was curious what the new EULA update entailed in terms of non community oriented boosts.

I think quitting is the exact response blizz want’s from these carry team folks. I would LOVE to play rated pvp if the matchmaking system wasn’t exploited by ‘professional’ players.

I would LOVE a pug raid that had a wide mixture of skill and ilevs. That’s how it used to be when 12 millions played this game. This issue is entirely on blizz and the apathetic and inept game design.

I’m afraid though it is a precursor to something more insidious than the wow token on actiblizz’s part.

People quit because blizz made it not really viable to raid log as well as the war on the flight boosting somewhat has brought that back. I know so many people who quit because of the infinite progression systems they added.

you’d never get into a +10 only having done a +5 to be fair. Raider io has made it so you’d get looked over pretty quickly

Everything is going to happen :man_shrugging:
Some will quit the game, some will find another way to make gold, some will transfer to a mega realm and keep selling boosts, some will start buying tokens, I expect all of that to happen. The question should be if this will have a noticeable impact on anything or if Blizz is just wasting their time making policy changes.

but that’s not happening… sorry to disappoint. You were exactly the type of person I was talking about in the other thread.



Scoop up your addon it loves you :heart:

I didn’t even know organizations were doing that. Last time I bought a carry was from a lvl 1 on my server but I was invited to a group with players on another server for the carry itself. The level 1 was just one of the players who advertised on my realm so they could collect the gold.

people always had the addon option to eliminate spam, but they chose to complaint about it endlessly instead because they didn’t like carries, sort of like OP.

Glad they updated the policy, now guilds can offer their services using their own discord or trade chat and cut out the middleman!

The guild leader will be a middleman tho

Only if they can be bothered organising it for the guild, it doesnt take a genius to open trade chat and spam selling ads.

Pretty sure boosters didn’t remove things like glyphs, tier sets, class identity, fun raids, player power constantly getting changed or removed, time gating mechanics to help alts or new players, write the atrocious garbage story that has plagued this game for 3 expansions now.

Yea sure that’s all boosters and NOT the dev team who have the power and willpower to do all of that.


Yeah I know, my point is: use communication or video guides. The examples I used were purely that, hypothetical examples.

People don’t communicate, they’ll just recruit else someone with the gear/experience.

Why struggle with randoms in pugs when you can just get carried by experienced players is their mentality.

Vaccine conspiracy theories, politics, and the endless stream ‘anal’ spam. Truly the culturally enriched American community we wanted back.

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