Ty blizz for the policy update

So you’re saying i can run an escrow bank for boosting aslong as i dont advertise ingame? I dont think so.

There’s nothing against trading gold on one server for gold on another as far as I am aware.

Well if someone think that boosting is going away then they are just drinking too much cool aid :slight_smile:

As far as you are aware… and there lies the problem my friend. Because the entire gold swapping market, much like the boosting market, is unsure,… and worried.

Ah yes what would we do without politics and thunderfury spam for trade chat … it’s good that you guys are fine with the top end community leaving though.

I personally will just be reporting anyone I see organising boosts and let Blizzard figure out if they want them banned or not. Boosts in PvP are gross and make the rewards meaningless…

An example:

This is a player who wants to invalidate all effort put in by actually skilled PvP players. This undervalues the prestige of being an Elite PvPer as well. Purely because “Is pretty, me want, me no skill tho”. This is why I’ll be reporting every single Booster in chat that I see, ill let Blizzard sort out the details.


Maybe for you. I try not to speak for other players though :slight_smile:

You are free to do as you choose though I hope you yourself don’t get actioned for knowingly falsely reporting someone. :slight_smile:

False petitions are not just an unproductive use of your friend’s time, but of our Game Masters’ as well. Each report given to us is fully investigated, and if we find a player has a pattern of this behavior, they may have their account noted or receive a warning. In ongoing cases, account suspension or even permanent closure could occur.

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No, you just seem to not understand that you wearing the same gear as a skilled PvP warrior because you paid for it not only devalues the skill of those other warriors but you also displace legitimate rankings on the ladder. This may not matter to you, I personally don’t care what matters to you though honestly :rofl:

I won’t be knowingly false reporting anyone, simply boosters. I have no way to tell if that booster is part of a community or not so I will allow Blizzard to do the leg work (that they are paid for) and report en masse if needed. Also if I do get banned… it’s not exactly a great loss for me is it.

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This is your opinion

Neither I to you :slight_smile:

Boosting is still permitted, you say you’ll report all boosters therefore you will be knowingly falsely reporting people.

If they say their guild is doing the carry in the ad then you have no reason to report them.

How would I know what is or isn’t a great loss for you, I can’t speak for other players

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If it leads to blizzard dropping the absurd costs of first few weeks mythic raiding I’ll be happy but I don’t see that happening. The reason for the prevalence of boosting is the costs of playing the game in terms of both base legos and consumables as well as boes.

This is a fact. If you are wearing the same armour (that is supposed to be gained with skill) as Blizzo, it projects that you have the same skill as Blizzo (or at least on par). This means if anyone saw you play they could equate your skill level to Blizzo’s and assume he sucks too just because “If THAT warrior can get the elite set, it must not be that elite”.

So you expect me to believe any random booster on this game? Are you ok? People lie on the internet, sorry if that shocks you. Ultimately if the people I report for boosting are not a part of a community of boosters, they have nothing to fear right?

No it’s an opinion

This is a problem with assumptions.

No I expect you to use your best judgement and not report indiscriminately

Correct, only people breaking the rules, including yourself, have anything to fear.

I’m using my best judgement to help Blizzard find the community boosters. Do you think an employee wouldn’t investigate the report?

I’m not breaking any rules by bringing possible community boosters to Blizzard attention. Do you expect players to do a full bellular style investigation before reporting? When do I start getting paid for this then?

Edit: I will believe that I would be false reporting if there was literally any way for me to tell if a booster is a member of a community or not. If there is no way to tell this than any and all reports against boosters are false reports. You make no sense.

I am delighted by this change and I indeed hope it slows down the shear bulk of booster spam in the chat channel.
If folks want to be and or feel useless and pay in game golds for the ‘privilege’ to feel that way, power to them. To me that’s what being ‘carried’ looks like, and I’d rather be second place than do that myself.
But I’m not sad that Blizz has put a kink in the folks that went pro at it .

Folks tanking their pvp rating so they can exploit a matchmaking system meant to create a level playing field for the sole purpose of ‘selling’ carries, is an exploit in the simplest of terms. They are cheating. They are cheating so they can make gold and rmt.

Low level arenas are unplayable now for anyone not willing to spend money. Explain to me again how boosting didn’t ruin that part of the game? I like pvp when it’s fair. This modern version of wow has created one crappy system.

Have you read any of my comments? O.o I agree with you.

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Your best judgement is to ignore information and report people regardless?

If you’re reporting all boosters you are in fact breaking the rules

Defrauding or Attempting to Defraud

Attempts to defraud include, but are not limited to, misdirecting attention, withholding information, providing false information, and any attempt to trick customer support.

If they say their guild is doing the boost you have no reason to report them

It makes perfect sense.

There’s an accessibility issue for players to get to higher content. No way to practice content without providing some disappointment to others, which makes learning strategy difficult. How many times do you have to deal with leavers when you wipe once or twice? Especially M+, that’s the most toxic content to learn as a new player. Without third party guides, learning how to play a class is a mountain to climb. This ban doesn’t stop boosting, it makes getting scammed easier and ultimately makes the game less inviting to newer players because there is no learning community.

Youre such a troll :rofl: yup, let’s believe everyone on the internet. I just met a really cute girl in goldshire, she doesn’t have voicechat but she is hot, it couldn’t possibly be a neck beard man in his basement… you’re innocent to the point of ignorance if you believe everything you see online.

I was just amplifying your correct assessment. The question part is for the larger community of folks who think it is okay to exploit rated pvp to the point it has gotten to now. How can you make an e-sport out of a game that encourages cheats?

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