Ty blizz for the policy update

Can you deny me that Echo, Limite, Method are big organizations? Who have big companies behind and will continue to rush the mythical raid. Because the small/adv booster is punished and the gigantic guides that have in their own discord things to sell are released?

I don’t think anybody is working for free to advertise. Give the guy 10-20% for finding the buyer in addition to the cut for doing the carry. With this policy that works as long as the advertiser is the booster and not just a matchmaker connecting buyers with sellers.

Nah bro Max is going to /2 himself for those sales. Nothing to see here.

I imagine it will be since the term “entity” can cover a lot of different methods of trying to get around the rules. And its certainly quite easy for Blizzard to check, probably easier than keeping track of communities. Just imagine being a booster guild and having every character in that guild slapped with bans. That could end up being very costly.

Ok so now we get a advertiser… pay him 10-20% and bring him for a free carry … so all looks legit… and there comes the middleman again.

Video game.

Never heard of Libertad? =D

Nope. More characters please (:

if the advertiser is a member of the guild, it should be fine.

and if like all the boosters, or most, are in the same guild.

The funnest part is that big guild that has million dollar companies behind. That the guys assumed to buy gold several times, who sell mythical raid rush nothing will happen to them

Doing boosts has been the major part of fun for me for the past half year, I met so many people and made so many happy too.
Without the community-part, it will be really hard to do again…

I mean they arent a government theres no real such thing as a loophole here. If Blizzard doesnt like what they are doing guild or no they can just ban em. There is nothing anyone can do to stop them from making examples out of people.

Unfortunately they arent so great at tracking. Hence the succes of RMT. Which just leads to often unjustified attacks on the wrong groups of people due to reporting pressure.

Great Group called Perky Pugs will still be allowed as they don’t charge gold for AOTC runs…hope they are still around …

What counts as disruptive is up for debate. To a lot of people, advertising boosts at all is disruptive.


They’re banning “escrows” so those “bank area” guilds are now effectively banned. Boosting communities used them to store slush funds and made it VERY hard on Blizzard to track things.

Today’s update helped out customer support by far.


And how do you think guilds operate? You dont think a single player collects and manages that gold? And transfers it back to the main realm? It is the exact same operation… just at a lesser scale.

Nothing has changed.

It’s an and - not an or

I don’t think Blizz will care about semantics.


As a WOW Community Council member, do you not think we are being let down by the lack of clarifications? To all the questions being asked by individuals and the communities representing 1000s?