TWW Pathfinder: Whats the Point?

druid flight is a class mechanic yet they are subject to pathfinder. If its about cheesing content, it doesnt matter ho its done. if its not, then pathfinder is just a continuation od Ions temper tantrum.


I’m just going to leave this here, so that people understand the fact that Blizzard has been and will continue to make changes so that everyone can use dynamic flying.

Trying to claim that they are ableist or punishing the disabled is beyond dramatic and extremely false.

This is probably why Pathfinder has been around for as long as it has, people do it so they must like it.

All they are doing is locking something people want behind something else to increase metrics and then claim it’s popular because everyone is doing it.

It’s the exact same thing with Dragonriding/Dynamic flying, make it the only choice from the start, people have to use it, and they will claim it’s a success, and I wouldn’t be the least bit shocked if they use that to try and remove static flying again.

I would like to see both available from the start and what happens.


Probably because I already did, you should try reading the entire post next time. Unless you think you can somehow land takeoff and land again in less time than it takes the mob to path back to where it was before you aggrod it the first time with dynamic flight in which case you’d be wrong for reasons that aren’t worth arguing with you as you’d never admit the fact.

dinamic flying is great but sometimes for short trips, or some activities such as climbing a tree or even standing in the air, the old flight is still useful, why release one and not the other? It doesn’t make sense, but there are people who always find a way to defend every inch of blizzard, like we are hating or something else, but in fact, the decision just dont make logical sense…so there’s really nothing to discuss, that’s all.


apparently every time I use normal flight, Ion says " I feel a disturbance in the force!"


It’s just Ion being stubborn, that’s all. It’s no secret that he heavily dislikes static flying and perceives it as a problem to world and quest design - which to a degree is true but not nearly as much as he thinks it is and can be compensated for in other ways.

I like dynamic flying, I vastly prefer it to static, and I consider it the superior version of flying in multiple ways. That’s not to say I never use static, it certainly has its uses, but the vast majority of the time I use dynamic. Despite this, however, I have always argued that if one form of flying is unlocked, both should be. Not one or the other, both.

It just makes no sense to lock static flying, a version of flying I’m sure many find inferior, behind, well, anything. For anyone that prefers static / dislikes or simply can’t do dynamic, it makes the questing experience annoying, tedious, maybe even painful for some. For the people who prefer dynamic, they’ve already been using their preferred flying all along and unlocking static is a big ol nothing burger. It doesn’t make sense no matter how you look at it, so… just enable static from the start?


The Devs are just spiteful over the fact that the players still want the Static Flying that they themselves hate so much, nothing more. Pure and simple. All else is just trying to find a rational after the fact.

Despite all our rage; and someone would say that what was lost can never be saved.


It no longer makes sense that “flight is a problem for world design and pacing” either. Dynamic is faster if used correctly and no more limited than normal flight.

They’ve narrowed the excuses for pathfinder’s existence from the point that it became a thing to nothing but “we hate that you like this and want to punish you for it.”

It’s never had more of a reason to exist and definitely won’t going forward.


why is chorefinder still a thing? it only makes me want to rush through the content as fast as possible to be able to fly like ive been forever.


I thought you said WoD zones were fine to travel by ground. The pre WoD zones were much better for ground travel, you are definitely right about that.

That’s my bad.

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Why not, there have been at least two pathfinders that gave flying mounts which makes sense since it is for flying.

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Yes and no regarding WoD, because some of them required use of gliders to reach treasures as an example or mining nodes. The best zone to travel by foot in WoD was actually the instanced Ashran ironically enough but even Druids could obtain books and fly in that PVP instance.

Most of Frostfire ridge was fine to traverse by ground/foot as well as shadowmoon valley which is why they are considered some of the best starting zones in terms of leveling for an expansion. But beyond that the other zones offer difficulty trying to traverse by ground/foot. Nagrand had the mounted ground mount combat but beyond that the rest of the zone was difficult to navigate or find treasures without the aid of gliders. Spires of Arak everyone knows about how annoying that zone was to navigate by foot while Gorgrond and Talador have areas you can navigate by foot just fine but other areas you need gliders. WoD was designed to be challenging to travel on foot/ground mounts and to encourage use of gliders to find treasures and mining nodes in challenging areas.

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:

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This is how I feel. It is a huge annoyance being unable to attack to dismount from the dragon. I wind up having to customize each toon’s dragonriding hotbar to make sure that I can dismount with an attack. That got old after a couple toons, and I stopped bothering to set up dragonriding after that. No dragonriding on toons without the hotbars set up the way I need them set up. That was another nail in the coffin when it comes to dragonriding for me. Granted, any interest I had in dragonriding was already dead and buried a while ago.


Well yeah, because flying hadn’t been added yet, from BC (the first expansion on) the zones all had to take flying into account when making them.

I remember Wrath >_<


What server are you playing on that you have this totally valid proof? Are they level 30?

Both in Dragon Isles and older content I can count on one hand the times I’ve seen someone using static over dynamic.


Right? I don’t get why Mafic is pretending DR is so unpopular when it’s quite obvious the opposite is now true.

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scratches head yeah beats me, but we’ve been seeing these posts all of Dragonflight with people fuming over Dynamic.

And the thing is, I agree that this restriction is stupid, I just don’t get why people are pushing this line that “DR is unpopular!”


Forum troll: “Not enough people interacting with new flying, that’s fact!”

Blizzard: “The community likes dragonriding so much we’re extending it to old world content!”


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