TWW Pathfinder: Whats the Point?

Formerly doing old content: suffering

Now: Sonic R soundtrack playing in my head, happiness

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Because not enough people are using DR.

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:

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This is just a weird argument to me. Dynamic flight is faster, and as long as you’re not in combat (which also limits static filght) it’s just as easy to take off out of the thick of the questing area and to a place where the mobs can’t reach you.

What’s being “cheesed”? That people can’t get on a mount (which also can’t be done in combat, the same as dynamic flight) and fly straight up in the air without taking two extra seconds to scope out a safe landing spot because someone knocked on the door, or their kid needed something, or they got a call? Do those situations absolutely have to be punished with in-game death?

What in the metrics is harmed by people getting to places more slowly? It’s a weird thing to hold back just for the sake of holding something back to make people earn, when the reasons that people use it are largely because of accessibility problems. I just can’t imagine that there’s that many people by now who haven’t worked out how to do dynamic flight just due to preference, or that many people whose preference is so strong that unlocking it will keep them subbed where nothing else would.


How does static flying “cheese” content?


I guess the same way stealth does?

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:

It’s old and smelly

its like beating a dead horse with this guy.
hes not unintelligent. HE KNOWS that this only really affects lesser abled players adversely when he pulls this crap.


The point?
Ion wanted flight gone entirely.
He didnt get his way.
I typed out a long list of negative things to say about the matter, but its not worth a vacation, so I’ll leave it at that.


It’s cute that everyone thinks Ion still cares about decisions like game balance with flying and hasn’t quit, left blizzard, or moved beyond that opinion in over ten years.

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Well I am offering a more logical explanation in that they did not receive the rate of return on their investment regarding DR.

So here are the options people:

A. They want to punish people with difficulties/can not do/do not like DR
B. They are still petty about the backlash from their flight removal during WoD.


C. Not enough people were peeled away and accepted DR and many are still using the TBC flight system despite so many poison pills attached and the proclamations that are border line propaganda.

In other words whatever options you choose it is a bad, bad look for them as a company.

:surfing_woman: :man_surfing:


absolutely agree.
pathfinder was an annoyance before…but with DRing being released day one while those having trouble with DRing having to wait…well, Ions looking kinda petty in the whole thing if you ask me.
Just saying.


And are these TBC Flyers… in the room with us right now?

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Whats…cute…is someone looking at DRing being out day one, while making lesser abled players wait for a year to get old flight and having to put in a lot more work for it and that ‘cute’ person not seeing a problem with this arrangement.


Not that Id want PF at all, but this would actually make more sense, lol.
the better flight needing more work.
I dont know…its like that picture where one of the four things doesnt belong.
Im imagining the four things being…

  • activision
  • blizzard
  • Ion
  • Logic

It doesn’t. It’s just something that people who dislike flying say to lend credibility to their dislike.


Other possible options:

There’s some sort of specific content (like jump puzzles or something) they want people to have a go at before it becomes super easy with regular flying (but still want it to become easy after)

There is still some difficulty bots have with dragonriding (somebody in this thread already suggested this, but I forget where to quote it)

And there may be others. Now I’m not saying any of these things are it, and without some reason, it seems kind of stupid to lock slower flying behind anything that faster flying isn’t. Even though I like dragonriding better.

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I admit, I love druid skydiving, though if I could just shapeshift into a dragonriding-style flight form while falling, that would be good, too great.

I’m pretty sure I read or heard somewhere that we were just getting a dynamic flight form option for WW. Maybe when they add dynamic flight to some of the other mounts?

Maybe this’ll finally be when we get to keep our flight forms (at least some/one of them).

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Again, where are you getting this from? When literally everywhere I go the majority are using DR?

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Yes, as I much prefer TBC flying more then “how to train your dragon” Gliding.

If I wanted to play a gliding game, I would be playing that, not WoW.

Game needs less parkour, this is an rpg folks.