TWW Pathfinder for Normal flight

Also you call me gross while you repeatedly do this and think you’re cute when we all know why you’re writing it that way.

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That is an interesting suggestion but the truth is that the easier solution is to allow both at the same time with no strings attached.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


No matter how times you moan and complain about pathfinder, Blizzard will not remove it from the game. But again you have two choices. Either man up and do requirement with your best of your abilities or just quit. you’re going to have to accept it whether you like it or not pathfinder is here to stay.

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Yes and at this point we have concluded it is petty. No man or woman that has a shred of humanity, professionalism or integrity would allow it to reach that point.

BTW let me take a quick break to say that you are a valued member of the WoW community.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


And it lost them 100’s of millions in ln lost potential revenue. in wod with the loss of millions of subscription in a 3 month period, an industry standard that still stands after 10 years. Grats ion it got you promoted.

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It looks like a repeat showdown.

But we have the energy.

We have the momentum.

And we love TBC normal flying!

Bring it.


:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


I agree it’s discrimination, and a possible ADA vilolation.


It is a Video game they do not have to comply with any thing to allow the disabled to be able to play it. Stop with the crazy arm chair lawyer antics. Nothing in this world, not a single law says that video games have to be made so that the disabled are able to play them or its considered a violation and discrimination against them.

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You know that might work. It is a reasonable request for an accomidation to your disability without which you can not participate .


If TBC flying is locked behind a pathfinder for TWW then Dragon Flying or whatever its called now …since its changed its name 2 times since coming out…should be locked behind a pathfinder too…what is good for the goose is good for the gander.


Personally, I don’t understand how pathfinding wasn’t left on the cutting room floor with all the re-evaluation of old design decisions being made recently and currently within WoW development.

A subset of players complained that flying made the world feel smaller. Developers were frustrated that large swaths of content was being quickly negated with flight. The goal originally was to force interaction with the environment at least until you progressed far enough to unlock flight via the pathfinder achievement. Fine okay. Those who didn’t outright quit because of that, we swallowed that explanation.

But now we have an even more pervasive, widely available, faster, dynamic flying which for all intents and purposed other than having a little more complexity in controlling it - its significantly better in terms of travel time for distance. There isn’t a whole lot of downside to it except that some people struggle with the controls.

And now - it’s becoming the norm to push players to this and give it to them broadly from the get go or close to it while at the same time retaining the pathfinder gating of a slower travel form that a large number of us had to pay what at the time was massive amounts of gold to attain.

The logic of the explanations and arguments simply don’t add up when you look at the broader picture of the explanations given regarding pathfinder over the years and the now open embrace being given to dynamic flight.

Wait until they completely phase out static flight and the following expansion they lock dynamic flight behind pathfinder. Let’s see how your tunes change then.

Pathfinder never bothered me, or doing it to regain flight in any xpac. Just like anything else they ever did in WoW with any other thing that deals with game play. I just do it and go on with life. Its not a big deal or a game breaker. Its just another thing to do within the game. So if down the road they start to choose to lock Dynamic Flight behind a pathfinder, well I just do it and go on with my game play.

They end up breaking add ons, I will just stop using them and go on with my game play. They prevent all Macro’s, well I will just not use them and go on with my game play. So on and So on.

Swapping out something old for something new in a direction they want to take game play, is fine with me. They want to support more of the direction of Dynamic flight to be used over that of old TBC flight, so be it.

Possible but I think a simple solution is for BlizZard to be nice to their community.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


That was not the biggest complaint about flying when it first came out…it was the ganking PVP’ers that complained about flying they couldn’t gank a player that was up in the air …with flying a player about to get ganked could mount up and fly off…leaving the ganker mad and complaining to blizzard about it.

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True but like I said BlizZard thinks it will blow over.

But as we saw in the last beta of DF it did not blow over and frankly they didn’t even put TBC normal flying on their road map.

They were hoping players would forget about it? Oops.

All they have done is consolidated support for TBC normal flying. From people that were not for TBC normal flying, prefer DR or like both options.

BlizZard is kicking a hornets nest like they did in WoD.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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And how is that any different from what you can do today with dragonflying?

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Well there isn’t enough players to quit all at once to even come close to breaking his record in subs lost so quickly during the wod flying fiasco. The imp needs to go.


True but I did find it fascinating that the top topic in DF beta was about TBC normal flying.

A quick glance at the beta forums

Yep same.

It has more views than Mage, Monks, Warriors, Warlocks, Rogues, Delves, Priests, Demon Hunters , etc threads on the beta forums.

Only Pallies, DKs, Druids, Hunters and Shamans edge out that thread.

Shaman has 68K views which means that BlizZard has a lot of disgruntedl Shamans and TBC normal flyers!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Agreed. Also, Bill might not like how players are being treated differently (not in a good way). Just saying.

Actually, from what most have seen, read, regular flight is released at the same time as Skyraiding (new name for Dynamic flight) but it will be locked behind doing the main campaign/s in TWW. In essence it is just going to be the same for everyone as it was for those that quite each expansion till they could get normal flight.

So outside the ones who can’t use SR at all, who might be coming across as more petty? Blizzard for releasing normal flight but as a reward for playing through the game without it ONE time or the complainers who can easily come across like “we are batting 900 out of 1000, so we are going to continue on and risk losing it all to get what we want”?