TWW Pathfinder for Normal flight

I’m one of those “ol grandpa carpel tunnel syndromers”. Why do we belong on the ground?


Are they going with the same setup as Dragonflight? Dynamic flying released at the beginning, with regular flying released later? I guess OP has a point…


Oh, you don’t – You gotta read the whole drama if you wanna get the context haha.

Had my sarcasm hat on there. :slight_smile:


Actually most players have praised dynamic flight. Don’t know what dark side of the moon you been living on.


Most, not all, and Ion said he was hoping everyone would embrace it, since that didn’t happen he has to lock TBC flying to try and force those who don’t to use it hoping they will change their minds, sadly no matter what, not everyone will like it, and they just need to accept that and stop with this petty gating BS.


Would you rather them just remove TBC style of flying period? Because its been stated very clearly that Dynamic flight is the main form of flight going forward in WoW into the future of development. Like a lot of old systems and such when replaced with something considered by the Dev’s to be a replacement in most games out there, the old systems that are replaced or updated are normally just removed.

I myself would just be happy they are keeping TBC flight in the game, even if its just gated behind something so simple as this version of pathfinder that is completed just by simply doing the main quest line in all the zone, which by the way as you do them, you will explore all the zones at the same time and you will reach max level. Wow the earth shattering concept of this revelation. You only do it on one toon and your done, it take only a few hours of game play time, and its unlocked for all your toons.


Or crazy idea here, how about have both available from the start and let players choose which they prefer. What what a concept, giving players options. I know, it might be a foreign concept to someone like you. They keep trying to make Dragonriding more accessible, but they have a perfect accessibility option already available to them, they just refuse to use it.


Because clearly they dont want it that way, they want dynamic flight to be used from the start and not TBC. Time to kinda start realizing that and accepting it.

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How about no, because if we let them lock it like this now, how long until we are back to waiting half the expansion for Pathfinder. They need to accept that some people don’t like or can’t use Dragonriding and if as said in an earlier post in this thread, if they see it as an accessibility option, and they are going to lock it, how about we lock all accessibility options. Make people have to earn colorblind mode etc…


Not the best example as it is totally different. That’s like saying you need to earn the right to adjust the volume or adjust aspect ratio. I get what youre saying. I dont know why they still need pathfinder. When the other exists. Just bringing up the example.

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Crazy idea, put an option for either switching or making DR like TBC flight in all accessibility ways, it is still locked for everyone else but for those who legitimately can’t use Dragonriding they have a way out?

LMAO, I rarely (.000001%) of the time look at WoWhead let alone anywhere else for anything about lore, or quests. I’m smart enough to do every quest without needing WoWhead for help.

Take your hyperbole lies elsewhere and stop making things up about me.


Or the arachnophobia filter.

BlizZard painted themselves into a corner on this one.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


They’re not gonna lock the arachnophobia filter behind Pathfinder, y’all’s hyperbole is beyond ridiculous


BlizZard is known for locking accessibility or gate keeping so they are what they are known for until they prove otherwise.

BlizZard can take the easy W or the big fat L heading their way. The ball is in their court!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


No they aren’t.

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That is why this thread exists.

That is the truth.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

You are a very bad troll.

Static flying is not an accessibility feature, never was, and has always been gated somehow (gold or time or progress).


This thread topic is about TWW pathfinder and how it hinders those with disabilities.

You are unable to stay on topic which suggests to me you are just trolling. Furthermore you follow me around from thread to thread like a stalker…eeew gross.

Back to the topic of the thread:


All this trouble is avoided if it makes those players unable to use DR due to personal reasons easier to play the game. Easy win from BlizZard but it is a poor hill to die on really on their part iMVHO.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


Dood, i’ve been in this thread, I didn’t “follow” you in here.

Again, you are a very bad troll.

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