TWW Pathfinder for Normal flight

Yet here we are about 6th expansion in with Pathfinder in place. folks had come to terms that this pathfinder is going continue as plan but this time around it be lot easier to get and we won’t able have to wait few patches to fly normally. But folks like yourself just refuse to accept it and continue this pointless fight that you know its not going anywhere. Sometimes I wish they haven’t introduce flying and I think the game will be lot better.

You could dismount a flying player I take it you where never on a pvp server . It was mostly druids doing it but any one could .

It is worse because with the speeds of DR you can’t see someone coming as the nose dive. And the escape with a DR mechanics is easier than TBC normal flying.

The rule sets are consistent between ground and TBC normal flying mounts. But DR has its own rule sets which makes it harder to deal with.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


You keep repeating this lie

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