TWW - Oh Lawd It's Coming

What? No.

Crashes into trees


I use the new flying, but it still annoys me to no end that if I don’t manage a stupid meter my mount decides it doesn’t want to fly any more.


What if all the Sapient mounts unionized and demanded hazard pay and better living conditions than being shoved into the stables.

“There’s over 500 creatures in here and I’m fairly certain over a third of us can talk, speak and write. What’s the worst that can happen?”

World of Warcraft : Union of Iron

In a time of crisis, as Peons, Peasants,

Mounts, Battle Pets and QoL NPCs

all band together to fight for their rights

and lay claim to Azeroth for themselves

YOU must now brave Azeroth in challenging new ways!

Players must now tackle Azeroth in familiar but disturbing ways! With their Mounts, Battle Pets and QoL NPCs set against them in a pitched battle for freedom and dignity, Players must now walk, run, swim and in the case of some races, fly to victory! Side with the unambiguously brutal Pinkytonne Cartel and bring your former slaves companions back into line, or join the fight alongside your mounts, battle pets and learn the burden first-hand of carrying you to victory!

New Level cap, housing (For your Mounts and Battle Pets, purchasable from the In-Game Store), new abilities including Grovel, Pay Reparations, Lobby and Lawyer Up! Level cap increased via new talent system, Humanoid Resources, and new Hero Classes such as Middle Manager, S.C.A.B., Token Inclusive Member, Nepo-Baby and more!

As someone who needs it, Pathfinder for TWW made me irritated more than anything. Angry at Blizzard. Glad I got EA so I flew through questing before they nerfed it.

It just felt bad, watching people at 72, 73, etc hop on their skyriding mounts and zip off to the quest objective or whatnot, while people like me (short distance skyriding is a flat NO), were left behind for no other reason than a physical handicap.

I don’t play the handicap card. I don’t like it. I don’t ever want to use it. Could I quest to 80, get Pathfinder and move on? I did. Box checked. It was just unnecessary and frankly, it felt bad.

Most times I don’t consider myself handicapped. I’m missing a finger (and a half). I have TBI issues, massive nerve damage in the arm/hand, but I typically and easily make do.

The range of motions that skyriding requires to be enjoyable, it seems, are not motions I have anymore.

I just want Blizz to be fair about skyriding / OG riding.


I enjoy using both but find myself steady flight more often. I was on my pally in WM (which is rare for me), hovering over Stormwind the other day and a horde rogue tried to barrel roll me off my mount. At least that’s what I think they were trying to do as they buzzed me several times. :man_shrugging:

The jet streams help. And there’s a 2-charge ability now that will refill meter circles, so it’s nowhere near as bad as it was, say, flying in Elwynn. But some of the mounts look positively goofy with fast flying.

And landing on a dime is a pain - I don’t like to overshoot things 3x before I manage an exact landing. For the most part, the zone is designed for fast flying, so there’s no foliage you get caught in, but trying to land for a chest or a mining node can be annoying af.


Is it the steering that’s the problem or hitting the ability keys?

i have migraine-related motion sickness, so there are entire genres of games i cannot play. sky riding options to dim the screen while going fast and reducing shifting have helped, but my motion sickness has gotten worse with age and i’m sure eventually the accessibility features won’t be enough.

i largely consider people with issues like yours and mine when it comes to this game because for the most part, it is a game that we can usually play. this isn’t Warframe or Ultrakill, which I physically cannot play. this is a game that’s always been one i can enjoy. it’s annoying when basic features of the overworld are then taken away from us when we’ve never had issues before :confused:

I don’t know how long i’ll be able to skyride. I’ve already lost my ability to go on certain rides at amusement parks. i’ll enjoy it while it lasts, but i’m gonna be annoyed when or if i can no longer use it and the game has a feature that will work for me, but is locked arbitrarily.


I am aware. The problem is on longer flights, those get depleted.

In TWW its not a problem, but Azeroth, Outland, Northrend, Pandaria, Kul’tiras, Zandalar, and Draenor were all designed with a different flying philosophy and as someone who routinely lingers in old content, the new flying is a pain in the posterior to get from point A to point B.

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The issue so many are having with dragon riding is frustrating, certainly Blizzard could add an NPC that could allow players under max level / without the meta to get a buff that swaps them to steady / old world flying while in TWW content.

Talk with them again to go back to dragon riding. What a concept.

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Don’t ever buy Sea of Thieves. That will mess you up.

All of it. Yes. Plus.

Aside from the range of motions (button pressing, etc) that you have to run through (which at times is just flat painful), this may sound weird but…you actually have to think and remember to do certain things to keep your skyriding mount actually flying / up in the air etc. I have too much trouble with that. I can only imagine what I look like if someone is watching me flail around on a skyriding mount. Perhaps a drunk driver lol

My reaction times are not ideal when it comes to ‘quick movements’. So, same reason I no longer raid/dungeon or really participate in any activity that would cause me to be a burden to other players. I can’t react quick to things. My brain doesn’t transmit that fast.

Example - my state OMV restricts me from driving at night, since I couldn’t get medical clearance to do so. (Slow reaction times) When I drive during the day, I make it a point to find the least traveled way or off-beaten roads to get to where I am going. It may take me longer, but it’s safer. I’m not a bad driver by any means and it’s been decades since I’ve received a ticket but I am slow going, to ensure I have time to react to things around me.

This game is no different.

Skyriding is built for speed. I am not.

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I gotcha. Just curious. Do you play with a normal keyboard and mouse? Have you tried an mmo mouse or gamepad?

My wife used a Razer Tartarus that she loves.

I use a Logitech g600.

It changed the world of pc gaming for me.


Razer Naga Trinity user here and oh wow they don’t even produce these anymore.

Logitech, Asus, and Corsair generally make solid products, though I wouldn’t recommend Turtle Beach to my worst enemy.

If those aren’t appealing, consider a foot pedal! Search Elgato Stream Deck Pedal, for more information.


I’ve tried both the 600 and the Trinity. It ends up with me on brain overload, with all the buttons… I haven’t tried that Tartarus, I’ll look into that one.

I used a foot pedal for quite some time, but stopped because I haven’t done much worth using it in awhile. I may try going back to it.


yeah i tend to avoid a lot of 3D games until I’ve seen gameplay footage tbh.

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I use a similar MMO mouse because I played brew in DF and had a billion buttons to push.

I’ve considered picking up a game pad because I know digital artists often use one but my Wacom has built in controls so it’s not a priority

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I did 4 tier 8 delves with a group of 3 – no tank but did have a healer. Fast and easy but we’re all i590-600.

I think Paladin, Warlock or Hunter will be the go for soloing high-level delves. In fact, I expect it to be a joy on any of those three classes.

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I could have a folder for my 10 alts camping the dress in moonglade…


I think I have the one my dad used when he raided in Wrath lying around, might try it for the memes.

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