TWW - Oh Lawd It's Coming

I went up to tier 7 on this druid at ilvl 578ish and one tier 8 on my similarly-geared hunter, and it’s been pretty okay avoiding as many packs as possible with stealth, using CC to separate packs where possible, and using all my CDs to burst enemies down before they can hit me at all. But at tier 7 and 8, damage gets a bit crazy. I’m spamming Barkskin, Renewal, Survival Instincts, and Frenzied Regeneration all at once just to survive trash packs, and most telegraphed elite abilities are a one-shot if they hit.

The bosses do feel much more punishing on melee than ranged, though. My druid was kiting bosses on tiers 6 and 7 because even their normal attacks were dealing 1/3 of my total health, while my hunter could avoid a lot of delve mechanics just by standing out of range. (Though I was reviving my pet after every single spellcast by the final boss because it was oneshotting him. But that meant he wasn’t oneshotting me, so that’s a huge advantage.)

Overall, I’d say it’s pretty fun, though I burned myself out reaching tier 8 so quickly. I am enjoying using CC after many many years of irrelevance, and planning pulls rather than facerolling everything. The damage does feel very spikey, though, but getting a higher ilvl should help with that.


That sounds about right. Prot pally wasn’t too bad as long as I had a strategies like Eye of Tyr when available, take out the fearmonger first, divine steed out of the attack, etc. I was generally doing a full clear at 6 but waiting on cooldowns for big fights.

The one I did at the end of the night was only a 4 because it was 2 am, but I struggled because somehow I kept locking up and couldn’t move. Not being able to get out of the bad killed me about 4x. That, and lack of sleep, lol.

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This sounds long overdue and I’m looking forward to getting more into the delves after finishing the story arc and hitting 80. CC is such an extremely fun aspect of the game that gets overlooked. Especially on the rare occasions when I’ve turned on WM over the years on my squishy healers that are fortunate to have it. It’s one of the reasons I chose to level Mistweaver through this xpac. Lots of CC shenanigans to be had.

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I’m struggling with Delves over level 6, but I also have been slacking and not doing Dungeons for drops.

Might need to go swimming with the sharks in LFG/R again and find a group for Delves. How do Coffer Keys function in a Delve group? Does it unlock those chests for the whole group or do we all get individual chests? I don’t want to ruin a run for other players because I gremlin’d and went straight for the shiny object.

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I’ll be grinding t8 delves soon but not alone.

Gearing my rogue up for alt raid night. Very keen to change to Drac’thyr. I don’t even like the Drac’thyr model much, I find it goofy and use transformation items non stop with my evoker – but the other classes can just be in visage form all the time and having a rogue with knock back racials, double jump, float… wtf? Nevermind macroing vanish and soar for fast escapes.

I have 8 classes to 80, working on getting the others to 75 and planning to wait until TW weeks to finish off the roster.

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Ah, us night elf druids are about to have some competition at long last!

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Oh yeah! A Night Elf Druid vs. Drac’thyr Rogue cage match!


starts chanting

“Kumite… kumite… kumite…”

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… Can a Kaldorei Rogue stealth and then shadow-meld? Do they overlap, replace each other or stack?

I cleared an 8 last night on my hunter with my wife’s prot pally tanking at around 560 with no deaths. I cleared an 8 tonight on my frost dk solo at 554, I did die on that one. The difference between clearing with my wife was huge though. Like solo was painful, co-op was a cake walk.

i feel this is an argument for why pathfinder is useless tho, b/c few people who can use dragonflying use steady flight. most people who use steady flying do so because they need it.

anyway i need to do delves on my main lol.


I use steady fly when I am gathering mats, it’s definitely easier. But in general I prefer skyriding.


yeah i think that’s the other main use for it. either way, most people who can skyride, prefer skyriding.


Keys are individual. Your key only opens your chest.

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I’d use both forms of flight if it was on a per-mount basis. I’m too lazy to keep casting a thing to switch.

I do like floating, the precision of slow flight, auto flight, all that. But not as much as the convenience of speed!

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I do too when I am traveling, but gathering with normal flight is so nice. Especially now that they upped the speed abit.


I just like doing BARREL ROLLS


I’m using old flying. No reason. I do like hovering over cities, but otherwise I hope it’s making ppl wonder wtf.

I’ll probably swap back in a few days.

i’d just assume you have motion sickness tbh.

It did come up at the HOA meeting.

Skill issue.
