TWW - Oh Lawd It's Coming

I feel like my sympathy toward Thrall would be increased tenfold if, instead of him being a combat-oriented hero of Azeroth, he just kept on running his farm like he did back in BfA.

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You all should know that if you’re fresh out of pandaria or even getting caught up on your alts, you can take that 480 catchup gear and use the tier catalyst in Thaldrazzixionious to get your raid finder tier mog and set bonus, which is a pretty serious upgrade over just having 480. It will cost you nothing and you have no reason not to do it because you’ve passively earned the currency to transform the gear.



I only leveled a warrior and hunter to 70 BUT LETS GOOOOO

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I think I figured out 1 thing I really dislike about the login screen now that I really have an overwhelming urge to put all my classes together and there’s not a good visual way to do that.

I want to see a screen that displays my chars by class.

Man this character screen business is going to break my brain.

Please someone at Blizz pay attention and get someone to create a better character select screen.


It’d be cool if character select had an edit mode with size sliders so I could see all 40 of my names while we’re at it.

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I’m telling you, yes. Please.

My dislike of the char select screen has only grown. I am not a fan. If someone only has a few chars, it’s probably manageable but those of us who uh…have more than a few?

It’s just not working at all.


I just want to resize it. I feel like they boomer-sized everything. It’s so big and in your face. I want to see more of my list. The buttons going down the side don’t need to be that large. And if they are that large, Blizz should put more info on them:

Level 80 Prot Paladin
WrA-Horde (Valdrakken)

Level 77 Beastmaster Hunter
WrA-Alliance (Stormwind)


Yeah they completely wrecked character selection. The war bands screen loads super slow and it’s as said, all upsized so huge that it makes using said screen almost impossible. Also, I don’t like how ALL my characters from ALL my servers are just lumped into one huge list now.

Having them separated into server war bands would have worked better. I don’t even use most of them anymore but they have so much gold and gear that I’ll never delete them. Now instead of tucked away and forgotten they’re just in the way.

War bands might be a good idea, but they did an awful, AWFUL job with the UI. I really hope there’s a addon out there either made or in the process of being made that allows you to get the character selection back to at least a little like it used to be.

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Just being able to put some characters into like an inactive folder or hidden section that we can collapse like the favorites section would be a massive improvement as well. Keep everything on the same screen is fine but let me add like folders and sections to be able to sort everything out. Rather than leave everything in on massive list. I have 62 characters across multiple realms, it’s very annoying having to scroll thru that massive list. As a bunch of them are all named the name just with special characters in the name.

It’s also very annoying that we cannot search by realm, but you can search by where the character was logged out at. If you try to search for Doomhammer, it doesn’t appear but as soon as you type 'do" it will show any character logged out in Dornogal. Why can we search by log out location but not by realm names. Makes no sense.


An inactive section would be so, so good.

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This character selection screen gotta go. It’s murdering my brain.

Someone with experience in designing these things, please contact Blizz and fix this.


I could fix it in under an hour but so could dozens of people at Blizzard, sadly. This isn’t a skill issue on their peoples’ part, at least I’d bet not, my bet goes to it being a process thing.


Why on earth would they create something so unfriendly?

If you’re going to take the time to create something, why?

They should have just given us folders, or the option to sort our characters… I dunno… By server. That sounds hard to code tho.

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Real talk though is there like an addon to get the old UI back?

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I looked for one but everything I read says that addons can’t be made to load “outside of the game world” so, I’m not sure it’s even possible for someone to make one.

S1 Delves release today and apparently I suck more at this game than I realized as I still haven’t managed to get past a T1 on any of them.

They are supposed to take 10-15 minutes someone said? I’m taking upwards of 40-45 minutes, average.

I do like them, don’t get me wrong. I would not want anything nerfed to cater to me. I’m just a bit surprised at how badly I am handling these things on Norman.

Hoping the Warrior will handle them better.

ETA: The Warrior handles them better. Still a bit rough going for me, but much less of a headache. Looks like my new Earthen Warrior alt will be my main for the expac.


Some higher-up likely refuted all of the better versions because “this is all I’d need”, to the chagrin of the designers. Almost every digital product out there could be 10x better due to this.

Think about Ion’s comment “no-one plays [X number of] characters.” (paraphrased)

Nobody needs to collect grey items.
Nobody wants to use old flying when dragon riding is faster.
Nobody needs more options to organize their characters, most people have under 10.


They could have let us create sections with names and icons, so we could sort however we want.

For example:

  • Bank alts
  • Old Moon Guard characters
  • The Sef Collection
  • Goblins
  • Soon-to-be faction changed

Anyone try 8 or higher Delves yet?
