TWW - Oh Lawd It's Coming

Time to start recruiting, my friend. I will bring the shovel.


Looking at the Metzen interview.


Nothing of Value and Blizzard proving Metzen is going to only have storylines that are cool for Generic humans and orcs to appease the wrong groups who think Alex Jones is cool.


We need to think bigger. We need to think outside the box of petty grave robbing. No more Lich King means we can be fresh and creative.

I think we could really learn something from the boys in Maldraxxus. Flesh shaping build-a-bomination workshops are the future!

Also, what interview?

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Bigger. Something “innocent”, innovative and entertaining. Something that will draw thousands of adventurers looking for some rest and relaxation after a hard day of, well, adventuring.

Big. Innocent. Entertaining.

Am I hearing… “Undead Theme Park?”


I don’t know if I buy the “innocent” part in “undead theme park.”

I do very much want to make a comment about bones.

I was thinking about a wrestling federation but an Undead theme park might bring in even more people.

I’m no marketing guru but I imagine that it would be easier to promote an undead theme park. I mean things like discount days and super spooky Halloween nights would draw them in like moths to a bug zapper. Nope scrap that. Flies to fly paper. Wait. That doesn’t have a ring to it either. Moths to a corpse?

Just depends on how many orphans Ogrimmar/Stormwind can spare before people start getting suspicious…

For… you know… focus testing. And… research… things.

What about undead wrestling at the theme park?

I know the perfect hype-man!

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Nice! We could make rides that honor the places we all have explored like “Kun-Lai Kite Fall”.

Yeah, we could even turn it into a game! Avoid the spike pits/blight pools/piranha zombies and win a prize! The kids love prizes!

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Metzen came across as relatable and enthusiastic in a cool way, not just as the hype man we’ve seen him be before. I liked it, and I guess I appreciate that he wasn’t trying to generate some artificial hype for the expansion.


Ah, yeah, thank you. I was able to watch it. Though, now I am kinda confused by Lohkash’s takeaway. I thought it was pretty well done. Low hype, but not too bad. Most details kept close to the vest, but that is to be expected. Still dropping pretty obvious bomb at 19:50.

But not really seeing anything negative.


If I were being charitable, I might say that the major lore figures we’re seeing going into TWW are two human mages, a human paladin, and an old orc shaman, and isn’t that just proving that the only major lore characters who matter are mostly humans and our one token orc? Isn’t that a shame, given how much lore and world building we have had over the years that showcase other creatures and cultures?

But I’m not feeling charitable, so that opinion will be ten thousand gold, thanks.

I think given that Metzen was likely the creator of, or had a hand in creating, those characters, the interviewer wanted to touch upon that they’re still around and what that means for him. From the promotional materials, we’ve already seen that humans and orcs aren’t the only characters involved in TWW. But hey, you can’t blame anyone for being a little jaded.


Ah, I see. I guess I have kinda just become numb to it… And honestly (like no typical snark and satire) I really do just expect a constant parade of Alliance faces and Alliance-adjacent humans with token Horde thrown in. Thrall is not surprising, and I would honestly take him over Baine any day… but yeah. I get you.

I also had to Google Alex Jones. I didn’t know who he was/is.


Yeah not really sure what Alex Jones had to do with any of this, but that’s ok.


Probably something to do with frogs ?

(Idk either, I’m stabbing at conspiracy theories here.)

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Ahhhhhhh… It feels good to be done Timerunning. I really cannot remember the last time I saw as many players logged into Stormwind as there are right now. It has to be at least a dozen years.

Got the 467 ilevel bump. Not sure that I got to keep the remix bags. Now to reset my action bars and roam Stormwind.



Unfortunately the bags got downgraded by about 4 slots. So still nice but not quite as big as they were.

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