TWW - Oh Lawd It's Coming

Thank you, WarKirsy. Would you like to come over for wartea? That’s like regular tea, but more aggressive.

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Does it involve war-suplexing?

I mean, Slushfund Kids Nepobabies ‘Ivy Leaguers’ 'Trust’fund kids are basically the only decently-sized demographic that has both youth and wealth left. The rest of us are poor, and will forever be poor no matter what we do.

Maybe the French were onto something after all …

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I am hearing from my internal blizzard contacts that Shadowlands topsail birthday edition had an excellent story rivalling the works of Shakespeare in literary merit but they used their extra time to remove that and add a bunch of stuff about a shirtless guy


Can confirm, my uncle that works at Blizzard told me this too.


We were robbed.

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I was wondering why I hadn’t seen rares popping up on my map like usual and apparently they are, but Blizz has changed the icon from a very visible yellow star to a little white star on a reddish black background. Seems to blend into the map for me / my visual issues.

Not sure why this was necessary. I submitted a suggestion to offer the star as an alternative.

I don’t know why they keep changing icons for things. I’m fine with making main story quest icons a little different, but there’s no reason to make anything else different. It just reminds me of how many times Microsoft has made some change to Word’s UI and acted like that was something worth upgrading for. I expect we’ll get a “ribbon” UI next.


I don’t mind them changing things, but this one seems weird. Why would you make something less visible?

The yellow star was so easy to see. Now, unless I know exactly where the rare is located, I’m flying right past it.

Some people think that a side grade like that is going to “wow” people and make them think something major was updated. It was probably an easy update so they implemented it to make this expac look like more was done to content than actually was done.

It’s like a trend I saw with software a few years ago. For instance, my company uses a proprietary software and the devs decided a few years ago to “clean up” the UI. What that meant to them was to shrink all fonts to about 6 or 8 and use the thinnest fonts possible. The screen is now full of white space, the letters almost unreadable unless you crank the screen size up until it’s too wide to fit. But it’s clean!

No shield for me (yet) – if I get it, does it unlock both a Horde and Alliance version?

I wound up turning XP off on a Goblin warrior to try to get it. Probably 20 boss kills in and haven’t gotten it yet. HAVE gotten doubles and triples of other items, which should not be a thing >_>

Yes. If you get one, you unlock the other.



ty bud

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What are the chances someone who can make a difference sees how wonky the character screen / Warband screen is, throws it in the trash and makes something better?

I really can’t stand it. It feels very clumsy.

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I want a barren/arid background instead of the waterfall one.

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I would love if we had options with the new character select screen.

  1. Multiple ‘groups’ for favourites. So you can have your 4 Man Band at the top, and arrange the others in groups as well, with similar ‘camp’ backgrounds.

  2. Varied camp backgrounds based on Reputation/Renown.

Orgrimmar/Orcs: Red rocks and canyons, bonfire, menhirs, fur-lined tents, cacti.

Thunder Bluff/Tauren: Green fields and wild wheat, totems, painted tents, fire with spit-roast.

Echo Isles/Darkspear Trolls: Beach and jungle trees, portable altar, hammocks strung between trees, camp-fire with skewered fish cooking.

Undercity/Forsaken: Gloomy glade with poison-bloom flowers and spooky trees, purple tents and alchemy equipment, green campfire with a pot of mushrooms in a stew.

Silvermoon City/Sin’dorei: The bright green grass and golden trees of the Eversong woods, bright red and gold tents with Sin’dorei emblems, racks containing bows, double-bladed glaives and polearms, an arcane fire over which cooked meals levitate.

Azshara/Goblin: The rugged terrain and Bilgewater Harbor in the background, pop-up ‘mechanized’ tents, barrels and crates, a Goblin ‘Car’ in a state of mid-repair, and a Goblin Grill with kebabs cooking away on top of it.

Barrens/Mag’har Orcs: Iron Horde tents, the lava-filled canyon that divides the Barrens in the background, a Warlord’s Deathwheel and weapon-racks in the background, a mechanized grill on which a whole pig is being cooked.

Highmountain/Highmountain Tauren: Painted tents, the capital of Thunder Totem in the background atop its mountain, pine trees and a small brook nearby, piles of furs to sit on and salmon on skewers and roasted corn-cobs near a cooking fire.

Suramar/Shal’dorei: The red-gold ground-cover and overgrown ruins in the background of the Suramar region, along with large clusters of mana-gems erupting from the earth, purple silk tents with the Suramar Lily design on them, a crystal campfire and an enchanted pot which is stirring itself, and silk cushions around the campfire.

Vol’dun/Vulpera: Sandy dunes with massive bones protruding from the sand, a Vulpera caravan with two alpacas laying down next to it, Vulpera tents, a pile of junk and scrap with some gold treasures scattered in it, and a small fire next to which the empty shells of some krolusk lie.

Zuldazar/Zandalari Troll: The tropical jungles of Zuldazar with the immense green mountains in the background, a heavy, gilded tent filled with cushions and chests, several racks of ornate weapons, a shrine to Bwonsamdi, a small cooking fire and spit on which a dimetrodon is slowly spinning over the fire.

Halfhill Tavern/Pandaren: The inside of Halfhill Tavern, where the player characters are sitting at tables eating and drinking.

Elwynn Forest/Human: Green grassy fields, wide oak trees, a small reed-choked stream nearby where a Murloc peeks at the characters, sturdy white-and-blue tents and racks of armor and shields, several crates and barrels and a basic campfire.

Khaz Modan/Ironforge Dwarf: Snow-capped mountains in the background, snow-burdened pine trees and icy boulders nearby, fur-lined tents filled with bedrolls and barrels of ale, a roaring bonfire around which empty tankards and bread-heels lie.

Gnomeragon/Gnomes: Gnomish structures distantly visible over snow-covered boulders and patchy green fields, a partially disassembled mechano-crawler behind mechanized tents, crates of tools and spare-parts, a Gnomish version of the Goblin BBQ model with burgers on the grill.

Bel’ameth/Kal’dorei: The strange magical trees of Bel’ameth in the background, a Stone Giant Statue off to the side, a large Kaldorei-themed tent and a small bonfire, and several wisps flying around the camp.

Azuremyst Isles/Draenei: Thick pine forests with the Exodar rising above them in the background, a Draenei shell/structure as a tent, a crystal campfire, several Draenei weapons on a nearby rack and Broken/Krokul equipment near the campfire.

Burning Steppes/Dark Iron Dwarves: The black rocky mountains coated in drifts of grey ash and burnt remains of trees in the background, a Dark Iron Steam-Tank in mid-repair behind a large Dark Iron tent, several portable chairs around a pot of bubbling lava that serves as a camp-fire, and kegs of Blackrock Brew nearby.

Mechagon/Mechagnomes: Backdrop is a scrapyard with robots flying overhead, curiously half-mechanical trees in the background, a mechanized tent and several Gnomish machines in mid-repair or half-disassembled nearby, and an advanced grilling setup for the campfire.

Eversong Woods/Ren’dorei: A darkened and Void-tainted view of Windrunner Tower with eyes randomly opening in the shadows and darkened corners as the background, purple and gold tent and a campfire of purple-blue crystals, racks of Ren’dorei themed polearms, bows and swords.

Stormsong Valley/Kul’tiran: The Temple of Storms as the background, stunted pine-trees and mossy boulders nearby, a Tidesage-themed tent and a cooking put where a few octopus tentacles and fish heads are sticking out of, kegs of ale and empty bottles of rum scattered around.

The Broken Shore/Lightforged Draenei: The Fel-blasted wasteland and floating islands of the Broken Shore behind them, racks of glowing, Light-blessed Draenei and Army of Light weapons, a Genedar transport beacon in place of a tent, and glowing crystal campfire and bottles of glowing wine nearby.

  1. Pose Control of our characters so we can have them doing things, be they talking to each other, casting spells, interacting with universal widgets in the camp, etc etc.

  2. Adjustable camp-sizes, 2 characters minimum, 7 characters maximum.

That’s all I can think of for now.


I’d be fine if they just brought in separation from realms. It’s annoying to have every character on my account in one thing


If we had realm separation, I’d like the characters in the campfire scene mirrored from the realm list rather than removed from any sort of list-style selection. I’d also like to permanently ‘hide’ the campfire scene.

I still want to make my own categories, which could include realms but also specific character groupings. I want to be able to add an icon and name the list(s).


If you just remove all of your characters from the favourite list, this happens

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