TWW - Oh Lawd It's Coming

We should have had both.

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I’m a fan of no more allied races and just keep adding more customization options for all the ones we have for awhile.


I want ogres and Broken Draenei.

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Whew, it took me all day yesterday, but I parsed through my characters and did a major clean up:

  • figured out the warbank and added the warbound items I wanted into it. I really expected it to be more complicated. I thought there’d be some new icon hidden in my UI somewhere, not a tab at the bottom of my bank. Lol.
  • took my character’s gold and rationed it to about 2000g per character, the rest into the warbank. I have way more gold than I thought I did. Still can’t afford that dinosaur mount, though.
  • cleaned out all inventories and individual banks. Larisi’s is still a hot mess.
  • got everyone into the correct guild. I still have a placeholder guild on MG with the same name, but I finally just made the executive decision that it would be easier to keep the active WrA guild as the one to recruit from.
  • resorted my character list about 3x as I try to figure out what characters I’m leveling and RPing this expac. Right now, it’s Kirsy, Larisi, Callie, Khepre and Bradisong.
  • added a rogue (Bradisong) and a druid to my roster. Gave Bradisong a TRP background. I feel like she resembles the void elf version of Trinity from The Matrix. Never have I wanted twin guns so much on a rogue as I do now.

I think I have around 15 characters sitting at 70. This is my new record. Some of them are never going to move up the roster - like my Pandaria Remix character. I only made her for the transmogs. I do really need to branch out from pallies and hunters, though. I’m planning to remake my Tauren as a shaman. Also, leveling my lock through the event made me kind of miss playing them. I forgot how fun they were.


Me and my warband, going to the warbank, having a little warbanter as we do (though I’m sure it’ll be quite warbanal).


That’s just too much aggression. I don’t know if I can handle that much open hostility…

I’d like to play a Dracthyr warrior.


I’m going to take some time next weekend and do this. I’ve been needing to and putting it off, but need to get it done before TWW starts.

Speaking of TWW. TS Debby reminds me of why I’m so annoyed that the launch date is August.

I live on the Gulf Coast (LA) and this is prime storm season. Debby hit FL instead, but we’re a target up here. I realize it’s not a priority for Blizz but irritated no matter.

International game releases dependent on American storm patterns.


I’m just saying they should think about me before making these decisions. I don’t think that’s asking for much.

ETA: I thought my sarcasm was clear. I don’t expect them to base release decisions on me. I mean, it would be a nice ego boost but…

I’m just saying I’m irritated.


Frankly I think the reason Shadowlands was so poorly received was because, rather than releasing it like they SAID they would on my birthday, they postponed the launch. They messed up a good thing, and instead of having fun parties with vampires and faeries, we got the doldrums and weird robot place.

Blizzard really should consult a “vibe” specialist. Like, are the vibes right? Sometimes you can’t account for the vibes, but the vibes play a part. Look at Helldivers and the whole psn problem. Vibe check failed. Will TWW fail the vibe check? It could.


I feel like Blizz used to actually base releases for expacs and patches on when other games were releasing things.

I like the release schedule for Norman and Topsail a lot better.


This is what I’m saying.

Remember when you could chat with a GM in the game? First they removed that feature, now they don’t even think of Topsail’s birthday.

What’s next?


You know, I wish they still monitored the forums like they used to. It’d be great to have a blue post explaining why they missed Lance’s bday and what they’re doing about the hurricane.


Or their secret plan to fight inflation.


When will the President unveil his secret plan?

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Right after his press secretary recovers from her woot canal.

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In keeping with the Truce™ between the Alliance and Horde, the Warbank feature has now been renamed Truce’tFund.

Rejoice, players, as we all become Truce’tFund babies.


They can’t take away Warcraft’s proudest tradition of unnecessarily adding “war-” to everything!

If they do, I’ll use my warphone to file a warcomplaint with my local warrepresentative of warcongress.


Very well, WarEnekie.