TWW is too easy

That’s a stupid thing self conscious modern players like to say. Anybody who actually played it knows better. Yes raid mechanics were much simpler. But leveling was a challenge for most every class doing level appropriate content in greens.

405 is not 380 and below.

Totally agree 100%. It’s too easy. Even leveling should take consciousness.

It was tedious unless you were absolutely intent on taking unnecessary risks. I’m not sure I would call leveling “challenging” in the Vanilla/BC era unless you were insistent on doing things that were obviously designed to punish you for doing them alone or under-leveled.

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and what was your item level going into TWW? before you keep on complaining… My 493 pally, rocked it. my 353 Mage, was a bit rough until i got some gear coming in which took a few levels.

Lol leveling was never a challenge. Just long and drawn out. The only real challenge was keeping the same pace the entire 60 levels without dying of boredom. Then the raids were just a challenge because you had to get 40 semi competent players together on the same night every week. It’s not complicated and never was. Retail leveling is obviously easier but there’s an actual challenge at end game

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dark souls is that way bro ~~>>

You go into it with 500 iL gear ofc it’s going to be faceroll. Leveling isnt supposed to be a challenge. Just something fun for you to enjoy the story while leveling up. Leveling 10 levels isnt the end game here lol.

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I guess that’s a fair point though - we have this extra bonus season now since SL which introduces a whole new tier of gear and the best of the tier set bonuses and trinkets and gear with special procs.

But they’re still designing the next expansion for gear like at least 100 ilevels below that with far less capability. It’s a bit more of a stark faceroll than has historically been the case, and that’s saying a lot because it was historically (since Cata anyway) designed to be super easy even if obsolete gear.

It may not be the very best way to start a new expansion in terms of first impressions, but I can’t say I have any great answers.

Too easy!!

Take off your raid gear and put your heirlooms back on.

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Up for debate.

this did not age well.


So you weirdos are the reason why the game is going to be worse for the rest of us. Good to know.


see what you done did


The point of getting higher level gear is so our characters are stronger and the game is easier as a result, as a reward. This shouldn’t be confusing. Those who geared up prior to TWW doing Remnants events were told this would give them an edge going into TWW (heck, even Dreamsurge 454+ gear is alright too). The game drastically scales up in difficulty at around lvl75 and starts dropping i500-ish gear.

Therefore, claims by players who geared up prior to TWW release, or already had i500+ gear, that “the game is too easy” are faux, exaggerated or just misapprehension.

However, as a result of such claims, the game is about to be made much more difficult which will affect those struggling to catch-up their gear, all those players who returned to “get back in the fight”, everyone, making for a potentially less fun, unpopular experience for millions of players.

Blizzard are the ones that have to decide what to do with the feedback, so it’s their decision what they do. The irony in all this, is that those with max’d out gear who are “complaining”, (as well as those who max’d via Early Access), are likely to be the least affected. :roll_eyes:


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I hope you’re happy. :roll_eyes:

Turns out the OP was right all along.

WoW is a money gathering machine. It’s working as intended. Upset or happy, you’re still feeding the machine.

Then play the game without using gear. Boom problem solved.