TWW is too easy

People seem to be forgetting that the expansion is tuned for people just hitting 70 with no end game gear. That means tuned for sub 400 ilevel.

We’re all way above that.


vanilla wow is still online if you are craving for difficulty


I ran a few dungeons and every boss was dead before I could even ramp up lol…


I guess you could try artificially increasing the difficulty and unequip your gear / purchase lower level gear and use that, but this kind of defeats the purpose of an MMO-RPG.

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nah it is about right - might be too easy first zone (can’t tell class differences) but it gets harder in the later zones. I am glad ringing deeps wasn’t any harder or I would have had to stop playing the lag was just terrible and dying constantly because of lag isn’t fun.


When has anything in World of Warcraft outside of top high endgame been hard.
And did you just say remix was a challenge?? The mode where you were basically a god???


So take off all your armor or get level 1 armor and try again. Then if you are still one shotting everything come tell us about it.


I dunno… Vanilla is actually much easier, most of the time. Just have to be a bit more careful is all. (Some can argue that’s difficulty and that’s fair!) The exception being that most classes couldn’t solo elite mobs at level so you did have to get a group for that so that’s fair.

You look at the Damage rotations (or really just spam 2 buttons) and the Boss mechanics, if a boss has any, and it really is a much simpler, easier time back then. Was just kind of new to many so it was daunting, and that’s fair too!

I will say that leveling At the moment (10-70) in the Dragon isles IS a bit too easy, but only for the fact that you cannot actually die to combat damage from non PCs… and I cannot figure out why they decided to add that in. THAT is removing any form of difficulty, to me anyway.

If you want a challenge, go play the Elden Ring DLC at Rune Level 1 only. There is your challege have fun.

“Have it Writ upon thy meagre grave!” ~Morgott the Omen King~


It makes sense that it’s easy, it would be more enjoyable if there was a challenge but that will come later of course. Someone in another thread mentioned that some mobs should just have super attacks that could kill you, which would be great as it also stresses movement and interrupts.

My only problem with it being easy is that since mobs die so fast I can’t decide which class I feel I’m better at since I don’t really need to use my whole tool kit.

And with the item level disparity, it is a bit much. I barely did some of the catch up mechanics but it’s nearly a 70-80 Ilvl difference. I was hoping the old gear would be phased out pretty quickly but it’s not looking like it. So everybody who does have gear are just tearing through enemies, which I feel like is the majority of players. If the gap wasn’t so extreme it prolly wouldn’t feel as bad. Still enjoyable though.

We’re days away from “tHiS iS tHe wOrSt eXpAnSioN eVeR” at this point.


Shush. The leveling speed is just fine. If Blizz wants to change it, they can actually make it quicker.


exactly this. Want harder content, remove your gear, and get to ilevel 400. Try again.

Stop crying, who cares about leveling by now… levelling the first time back in vanilla, maybe TBC was great, now its just a bad chore.

i would personally love they went the GW2 route where they dont increase level, but add masteries each level.

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Harder world difficulty does inspire cooperation, which is jolly fun. I ran into some level 80rares as an 70-73 and me and one or two other fellow adventures had to work together to tell the beast. it was fun having an organic group form to take on a challenge. They could do with more of that outside of world bosses

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Leveling in vanilla was not easier. You could easily die by pulling two mobs that were your level. Now end game vanilla was a lot easier than retail end game.

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I suppose, I had my fair share of “Running across Westfall with three Fireballs from a mile away chasing after me” in Vanilla, but I was learning at the time. Just have to be more careful.

I’m not even saying the new leveling experience is better or worse, just that I prefer it I guess, it’s less tedious. Yes, I like a challenge. I look forward to the Delves (hopefully) Kicking my face in, so I have to learn how to overcome them. The difficulty being in the end game and in execution is perfectly fine with me. Leveling is about learning the class, and to your point I think it being so easy that you kill a mob in a single spell is not the best as it doesn’t teach anything.

Difficulty is weird :stuck_out_tongue:

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It’s a cycle as old as, well, this game. You’re already seeing more and more “Shadowlands was actually good!” threads. In a year or so I expect to see “Dragonflight was SO MUCH better than TWW” threads regularly. Actually on second thought, a year is probably too generous. It’ll be much sooner than that.


that’s why all this is subjective and depends on how difficulty is introduced . vanilla is not difficult because of mechanics and rotations . it’s difficult because you cannot handle more than one mobs at a time and quests do not offer as much xp. Also you have to stop to drink and manage your health and mana. To be honest for my day to day questing I don’t need any extra difficulty like the OP desires . I have my mythic dungeons and raiding for that . If you have very difficult overworld content then you end up with other problems especially if you cannot group up

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The only challenge that Classic imposes on the player is trying to stay awake from the sheer boredom while playing it.