TWW is too easy

Its been that way since wrath. Its just faceroll to cap and wait for the raid/M+ cycle to open up.

I leveled as a frost dk and without pillar the mob health felt appropriate. But then I started on a ret paladin and was amazed how easily everything died.

Just a tough spot to be in. Almost seems like they should do an upscaling for low geared toons considering most people are likely to be well over the necessary gear as we’re coming from DF. Then they could make this stuff a little interesting to fight for existing toons

That would make sense if that was the problem. But as was said, 408 greens are too easy along with the rest of the questing gear.

Never getting killed is a sign of it being easy. Never being in danger is a sign it’s too easy.


Perhaps it’s not the scaling or gear level or anything the devs are doing and it’s simply that your skill level is light years beyond even great players.

You’re likely to get a chorus of contrary opinions as the WoW community has no shortage of groupthink, but I agree with you 100% on this one.

Hear hear! I wanted to see how the hero talents performed in a small group setting, but I guess it’ll have to wait until M+.

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I don’t understand why people are struggling so hard to understand this. Developers built this fully expecting a large return of players who left in Shadowlands. Even their advertising campaign is based around returning players. Of course the game will need to be tuned around effectively brand new players, not fully mythic geared folks.

These folks just need to bust out the levels and it’ll balance itself out around 77 or 78, when the item levels catch up.

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You’re all forgetting that this is Early Access and the game doesn’t come out for everybody else until tonight. That’s when harder content gets released.

Holy hell stop bashing the game when the full capability of the game isn’t even out

Lol there was nothing challenging about vanilla. It was just more of a time sync.

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the OP is referring to leveling . I guess you can level pretty easily in a couple of hours on vanilla classic

What… m+ and raids?
It’s fair criticism to say leveling and leveling dungeons are even more easier now than in DF. Why get all worked up for.

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Not that fast, I’m still not at cap.

Me… and that is why i have more than 50 characters. I love leveling, i love open world, but is sad to see it turned into a speedrun festival.

Nop, even when your in ilvl 405 stuff ypu still solo elites like they are butter at lvl. 71. The tuning is horrible.

I see the “tedium = difficulty” argument is still alive and well.

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So wait until September 10th when M+ drops.

If you haven’t done M+ on beta you’re gonna be in for a world of hurt. These TWW dungeons are nothing to play with.

If you guys thought DF dungeons were hard wait 'til you get a load of these ones.

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I can’t wait to run my less geared alts and actually wheeee at the greens lol

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It’s not. Millions of people had no problem leveling when it required not pulling every mob in sight with any class you want in nothing more than greens.

The real question is, why do people care about the literal story mode of the expansion being “too easy”?

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