TWW is going to be bad isn’t it?

Exactly. They somehow think only cis straight white men are the only ones qualified for any job lol. :person_shrugging:

Oh you sweet summer child. Clearly you didn’t experience the first weeks of Warlords of Draenor. The game was pretty much non-functional for most of the launch. It got so bad that every player got five days of free game time as compensation.
Things haven’t gotten that bad in years. So kindly cease with the doomer rhetoric.

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I get the feeling there will be more of the sit around and wait for event content. We already had enough of it in Dragonflight with the weekly quests, now in the prepatch they are pushing it down our throats.

I just want to do content when I can, not at a specific time.

The thing with DF is, almost everything could be done within the span of an hour or two and there wasn’t much waiting involved. You did have to prioritize a bit though depending on what your goals were. And you didn’t really have to worry about missing out unless it was Dragonbane Keep which can be cleared in a few minutes. This pre-patch event is just poorly designed, and it doesn’t flow well at all.

It’s always the same. I get downvoted on Reddit for pointing this out. They don’t innovate anymore

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Too be fair the first month was nice cuz fresh new content. Then I quit and came back when ZM was out and just hated it with a passion.

I was out less than two weeks in. I saw it for what it was and noped on out of here faster than I ever had before. Came back a month into Korthia and then took another break about a week later. Then I returned with ZM myself. Didn’t like it but I at least had something to do.

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I dunno, having to time your activities with an event isn’t fun or challenging, and the events only take moments for all the waiting you did.

Yeah, I am with you on this one. DF wasn’t bad at all. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed it.

:cat: :cat2: :cat:

Gonna make comparisons to DF events and the pre-patch event here and equal time spent. Saying this for the sake of transparency. Most the DF world events last at least 10 minutes, sometimes a little more. So, in total, you are spending about a half hour less waiting. With this pre-patch event, you kill things for like, 2-3 minutes and then a boss and then you wait nearly half an hour for the next area to open up, and then the cycle repeats. That is a LOT more time being spent doing nothing since farming random mobs isn’t even worth it.

How can you say this when Shadowlands was as bad as it was lol

I’m not sure your point, it’s still waiting. It’s not fun design. And not all wait content is 30min, trying to downplay events hurts your argument.

Because I’m not talking about fun. I’m talking about time spent. You brought fun into this, I did not.

You replied to me.

This is my opinion on the expansion. Get over yourself.

I did, and I was addressing the time spent portions. You are free to have your opinion. That is fine. But you don’t need to be a jerk about it.

You’re coming off like a clown. I’m not agreeing with you so you’re throwing a tantrum.

Your argument is bad and doesn’t sway me.

I’m not throwing a tantrum though.

And now you have no point. How old are you? Mom never tell you no huh?

Adding you to ignore since you can’t handle other folks opinions.

Thanks. Saves me the hassle.

I only care about PvP so if that is good it’s a win for me!