TWW is going to be bad isn’t it?

They don’t even have all the classes working properly and can’t seem to be bothered to fix them. Same old Blizzard as always.

I had hope. Their lack of communication on major bugs at this point makes me wonder. I have a feeling it’s not priority. So many bug fixes for classic and SoD stuff but very little for retail even though there are tons of glaring and game-breaking bugs.

We pay for this, they should act like they care a bit more.

Are delves any different than Scenarios or Islands?

If it wasn’t so buggy I would say yes. Many not getting credit for even the last boss. It’s laggy and not sharded properly. Bad stuff.


Sorry to say, but if that’s all you’re getting from this then we’re not playing the same thing.

This is what frustrates me.
The beta has actually been really really good. Delves are great, classes have been working fine, updates have been regular and bountiful, UI and other misc stuff all great.

It’s retail that feels like the test environment. It’s weird.


This. When i asked why are we getting new talents when even the ones we had were unbalanced and bad for most classes, that this is same like borrowed power we had, ppl said oh but its here to stay, well enjoy class balance now.

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Yup they removed some affixes and then turn around and added a bunch of mechanics to the dungeons themselves.

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Maybe it’s going to be so bad that Bliz thought a garbage experience before the expansion would make it better by comparison.

It’ll be like every other launch. We know the ponyshow by now. A selling point of the game is a third dwarf race afterall. (yikes) It wont be bad, but might fall short of some peoples expectations, and thats okay. I have high hopes in the Hero Talents and gameplay aspects with all the triggerhappy tuning that Dragonflight has gotten. Seems more effort is being made into the story and the art team as always blows it out of the water! I bet it’ll be worth picking up and having fun with it.

old raid got buff due to new level cap and item scaling so bilzzard yet again screw mog farmers

I have to completely, with absolution of conclusion —


Personally I find ‘Story Quests’ build the game.
Without story you’d just have another FPS game with swords and spells.


With the changes to unlocking transmog being account-wide I’m okay with it though. Kinda takes it back to DF season 1 where you need maybe like 5 friends to clear comfortably. I made a weekly event in my guild. Give it another season or two of TWW and it’ll be like it was.


M+ was great in SL. They are slowly killing it.

best change in affixes ever and they’re “slowly killing it”, sure

Call me crazy, but I loved the week to week gameplay variety of sanguine, necrotic, etc… and I’m a healer… lol. It was more than…here is the same dungeon and we are just going to make it hit harder. Then they got rid of the season affix, which was really fun when they got it right. But instead of iterating on it, they just gave up. I wish they made the season affix available for even the lowest mythics, rather than just get rid of it.

I don’t really care if people can’t run 25s because the affixes are too hard one week and then the next they can run 30s. Why are we designing the game around the competitive players? That’s ridiculous…they pay the same sub price as everyone else.

If your idea of fun is tyrannical and fortified at the same time, then have at it.

It definitely doesn’t feel like the expansion is off to a good start. Pre-patch event is “meh”, I have no real interest in the expansion itself (haven’t bought it and not planning to, currently dabbling through DF for the first time as it’s bow baseline), but I wouldn’t consider myself a part of WoW’s target audience at this point.

However, I think one key detail is being overlooked:

I logged in yesterday to a RECAP cinematic.

I imagine most here skipped it out of habit… but yeah, the presence of the metaphorical “recap episode” is generally not a good sign. I can see it being necessary, but that’s also indicative of key plot events being easily missed or outright ignored by the audience.

The whole “Worldsoul Saga” promises to have a bigger narrative focus… but damn, the foundation that narrative stands on is already crumbling away.

also is anyone else having performance issues? is it just me? I bought a new gpu recently and was really happy with how well dragonflight was working :frowning:

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I haven’t seen anyone have tagging issues. The problem is more of the lag from the number of people from what I’ve seen.

60 hours worth of playable leveling is what you want? There hasn’t been 60 hours of leveling since the first 60 in vanilla. Even then 60 hours was pushing it.