TWW is going to be bad isn’t it?

If every expansion’s quality was determined by the prepatch event associated, several of the “better” expansions would probably be a lot worse, lol.

Surprise surprise, a full rollout of an account-level feature had issues.

Not excusing it, but it’s not surprising either.

Dragonflight really made me miss shadowlands


That might not be the game.

I don’t think you and I are playing the same beta.

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What’s broken on the beta right now?

Dragonflight had quantity over quality. I felt like there was a lot of bloat in content but little that had me enthused.


They announced a game design change for tanks and healers in dungeon content, and then only executed part of it. We aren’t even testing the game that they have in mind right now. There’s no testing happening at all because of it. It’s just people playing an early access that isn’t what the developers want it to be.

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I mean, we still get weekly affixes, and for once they’re kiss curse, like we’ve been asking for for years

sure you lose them 12 and beyond but barely anyone does that

and for me df was my third favorite expansion behind mop and legion

I was so excited for this prepatch. Finally a relaxing and quick way to get some gear on my alts for the expansion. I logged in, messed with the (now fixed) warbands bank, jumped on the toon I wanted to get geared up, and did about 10 minutes of content before I was basically out of content. 1 boss which I could get 2-3 actions in due to server lag, and then a slow and boring grind.

I’ve been a subscriber since vanilla and have always been optimistic about the game. I even liked Shadowlands to be honest… but this prepatch has just been bad. There’s no content. Theres no meat. Its salsa and no chips.

it’ll be more of the same but a bit more alt friendly cuz alt play is minimal nowadays and bliz is hoping to get some more metrics from alt play instead of people trying alts and giving up

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  1. Warband banks - one week delay - not good
  2. Pre-patch event - you play for 10 minutes every 90 minutes. That’s not just how most people play games. Bad design.

Having played TWW beta I think the levelling content and the amount of max level content for more casual raiders (or non-raiders), non-M+ players is really good. I’m also engaged with the story in a way I wasn’t in dragonflight.

There are some persistent issues though in the healing model, in the functionality of the hero trees for a few classes, in dungeon design and in finalising the profession systems. Some of these things are being fixed due to feedback - others will remain issues.

I did the shadowlands beta and thought the expansion looked hopeful. Most beta feedback I remember was optimistic and hopeful for a good expansion. I don’t remember people on beta anticipating how it turned out and the problems with max level content. Im hopeful TWW will be the reverse - fairly justified pessimism abounding yet a better than anticipated expansion.

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It definitely leaves a big sense of unease that they need to delay a week or so to let things finish cooking. I truly feel Blizzard can’t be taking any massive Ls with WoW after recovering with DF.

Ignoring how terrible the design for the event is, what worries me the most is the large number of bugs. Plus, last minute balancing changes and game changes.

I also play FF14, and the expansion released recently with the only real problem was queue times. The only gripe that it seems the player base is mixed on is the story.

I’m just here for the delves. That makes it or breaks it for me.

DF was great because you got to play as a dragon and there were dragons everywhere it was great. Can’t really follow that up.

It’s funnier when you think about all the people that bought the highest tier to get in early to TWW, when it won’t work for the first two weeks. I’d place a bet on that for sure, it’ll be held together with duct tape and zip ties.

I mean… FF never changes their formula so its kind of hard to really have any gripes about it if you like it.

I love FF but it’s not even close to wow in terms of fun

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Beta has lots of problems, and as a result, they shut it down for a week.


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its a beta, things happen, works fine now /shrug

Leveling server is still down, stop lying.

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