TWW is going to be bad isn’t it?

covenants gave you one ability per class which didn’t always fit thematically with your class, why were death knights summoning faeries? also you’re not gonna lose them come next expansion, you won’t have to grind power for them, hero talents do seem to fit, it’s the only thing I’m excited for actually

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It’s looking very bad right now. Lots of undercooked content, balancing is way off, and baffling stupid changes to M+ while favoring mythic raiding, a format very few players even want to do.


Considering they are actively adjusting the power of abilities by over 50%, yea it’s gonna be broken af and is not ready. Should be delayed several months

Between the loot changes and the absolutely abysmal state of the dungeons themselves on Beta, TWW is basically a dead expansion already for anyone that primarily plays the game for M+.


I know your take is a rather hot one, but I absolutely agree. DF was bad. The dungeons were awful, the world quest sucked, the world events sucked (outside of time rifts) and now the pre patch at the end of it sucks.

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This current event is just not fun. The gear you get from the dream-surge dragon riding event is almost as good as what you get from this current fiasco, and a million times more fun to acquire.

Not that flying around to collect green blobs is really super fun. It just surpasses waiting around for an hour or two for a single mob to spawn, along with 100 other people, and hoping you can push at least one attack through the lag before said monster evaporates.


I think the worst thing was the big burly dragons with female voices.

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DEI(Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) recently started being used as a racist dog whistle against VP Harris and is now just being used by anyone to hate on POC and anyone that is under the lgbtq+ umbrella.


SL was pretty bad except M+ (99% of what I do) was amazing in SL. Best expansion for M+ probably ever.

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I’m not feeling very confident, that’s for sure.

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It’s the same as every prepatch event since Legion. I’m starting to think people complaining haven’t actually played any other pre-patch event before.

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I’ve played events since WotLK and this is frankly the absolute worst one ever implemented.

I don’t believe this instance is a case of “I just want to complain.”

There is absolutely a lot to complain about regarding this event.


If it’s like this pre expansion event… They certainly seem to be trying to make the players stop caring altogether…

Lore and story wise? Absolutely. Are delves going to be really annoying repeatable content? You betcha.

Solo shuffle kept me busy in df and battle blitz iw def going to keep me busy in tww. Pvp only…no mythic plus no raids (unless for transmog) just pvp snd mount farming.

I dont even remember anything with df except dragonriding and solo shuffle. The story was horrible and the questing was forgetable.

Enjoy what u want. If you like story and pve its prob going to be a disappointment.


Except hero talents are nothing like covenants. No group to align with. You choose the talents you like. They can be changed at any time.

Delves have powerful rewards, great, crests and renown with Brann and Reno for armor, mounts, quality of life improvements. You don’t have to do them, but they have been fun and engaging.

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Just like every other expansion, Blizzard makes changes that are terrible. The game sucks. We complain until they fix it. Rinse and repeat. If they just did the opposite of what ever they think is a good idea, we’d be far better off.


World event spawns on timer that decreases as the expansion gets closer, and also drops currency used for catchup and cosmetics.
Sounds the exact same to me.

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They could start by actually implementing the other steps of their vision “to reinforce the importance of the healer role and work towards gameplay where tanks and healers collaborate to reduce the damage the tank is taking and to restore the tank’s lost health.”

You can see how they’ve introduced a vision to completely change the way encounters work. So why did they wait until a month before go-live to introduce the change, and then only do the first of several steps to implementing it?

What exactly are we testing if it’s all going to change soon anyway?

So far all they’ve done is nerf tanks. (reductions to tank durability and self-healing)

Still on the incomplete list:

  • smooth out the damage tanks and parties take while retaining the challenge of keeping them alive over time
  • take those changes into account in encounter tuning
  • for some classes, increasing their passive defenses to compensate for decreases to more active or reactive defensive mechanics

If you don’t know where any of this is coming from, refer to: Tank Tuning in The War Within

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Blizzard’s output the last few weeks doesn’t exactly inspire confidence.


Don’t forget a quite poorly received cinematic and the usual promotional animated shorts possibly replaced by a few .pdf short stories?

I’m so bummed. Usually the month leading up to a new expansion is super fun. But this is anything but. :pensive: