TWW Has Horde Story - Spoilers

I mean, Vanilla literally saved WoW from the gutter of BfA in 2019.

Maybe we do need more “Vanilla” flavor. :slight_smile:

Of course it’d be a HMP


not really, though i am excited to see if we get playable half elfs. they look interesting.

The Earthen are neutral.

And Humans, hence the name.

Humans and Kul Tirans will get pointed ear options in The War Within, and Elves (presumably all four playable variants) will get rounded ear options.

Of course it’s an Alliance pandaren complaining about falsely-conceived “Alliance spotlight”.

Why is it that half of the people here who complain about the Alliance are playing Alliance characters themselves?

It’s so funny cause when Alliance were crying about lore I was like you know they need support, so now Horde needs it so like clearly you’ll need support, but then the Alliance fanboys who were crying are now trying to gaslight you’ll lmao


i’m not. its exactly as i said. blizz had horde mains and it resulted in a game where more than 90 percent of the raiders are horde, and all alliance has left are rp’ers

They were presented as both Alliance and Horde.

I don’t think that they are to blame. Not fully. I’m not gonna pretend that didn’t have a role in the issue, but the Alliance had a lot of self sabotage from their own players.

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People are complaining about an ancient problem anyhow. Nobody has gone Horde for raiding purposes in a minute and DF has established that isn’t going to change.

So stuff nobody asked for. And cinematics are a differennt thing than in-game content.

oh i wanted to explain why racials wont help: the game doesnt have a large enough influx of new players, and when alliance lost their m+ and raiders, they began to lose casuals to the horde also.,and people who dont really care about racials.

pretty much the only thing that’ll help is crossfaction and an increase of new players who are encouraged, at char creation, to select alliance, not because of racials, but because they are either beautiful/handsome (example-belfs), unique but aesthetically pleasing (example-ethereals) or classically scary (example-worgen, sanlayn, dh, dks). 2 things in gaming you can count on, appreciation of symmetry, fear of the unknown

THEN racials will help

Now I know you’re trolling.



Literally humans with vulcan ears. You’re not a real elf without knife ears.

You seem a bit judgy.

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Shadowlands didn’t.

As for BfA cinematics… because the BfA gameplay was entirely about the Alliance? Saurfang might have hogged the cinematic screentime but he only has 3 small cameos across 2 years, in-game.

Also let’s not forget at the end where Wrathion comes to Anduin and there was that whole thing. Then, instead of making a Horde version, Blizzard just had an Alliance NPC pop up in Zandalar to say “click me and watch this video in Stormwind, because that’s where the Important People are”.


Lies. Thrall and Aggra brought joyful tears to the world. The world.

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Especially Aggra’s big, beautiful smile of joy.

(joking - her face is like it’s carved from granite)

I remember how Aggravating that quest chain could be.