It’s an old article and the image links no longer work, but this blog from Cata is a good read for a chuckle.
It’s an old article and the image links no longer work, but this blog from Cata is a good read for a chuckle.
Yeah, that’s old models for you.
Very… orcane.
Not the heart, the best of the Horde. But Lor’themar was on the blood thistle before that statement.
Oh, did they get married or something? Jk. I fly over that quest chain on the way to the FL and I’m like, no, Thrall, I’m not watching that again.
It brought tears to the EU forums, cause they were hoping he’d get freaky with Jaina.
Anyway, the Horde was once the source for every kind of story. Take the Hillsbrand questline in Cata. Starts out as a joke, ends in a very emotional way.
Yeah the new story is the horde has been dissolved into only blood elves. Enjoy!
I adore that quest.
I can’t, I really can’t with you “character = faction” folk.
Basing this game on Alliance vs Horde was a terrible idea.
Alliance vs. Horde gave it something unique.
Agreed. The AvH angle would have been completely fine if the PC wasn’t forced onto a side and could instead join their preferred faction for PvP questlines and such.
Plus even if any of this did hold precedent — Horde people are more upset they don’t have fairly relevant “big hitters” in the story.
Your reasons / list hardly have any fair flexing in the story.
They’re both neutral blanket scenarios at best, with little to no identity to the Horde.
The characters who have troll-features have a troll character as an ambassador!?
I will say though it’d be nice to see Talanji back in action, and the new race does look pretty awesome but again – I’d hardly call this impactful to the overall story as a major hitter, unlike the void & other cosmic threats.
Welp’ …
Spoke too soon.
I remember people applied the same argument to Horde feeling nervous & angered @ getting the villain bat applied to our Warchief & overall faction pre-BFA.
People made threads or arguments in discussions about the expansion towards the Horde to stop over-reacting and being silly via “The expansion hasn’t even been publicly shown yet … Chill out.”
The fact is, that these concerns are merely a valid reflection of seeing the pattern that has yet to be ceased.
Personally I love the Draenei lore within the Alliance (non-Lightforged) and would probably like to see some Highborne that joined the Nightelves get some new characters to shine in the story … If they pair up for their introduction with a Blood elf, Nightborne or troll like Talanji as a duo such as Tehd & Marius — So be it, but it’d be a welcome surprise.
… Actually having Mordent Evenshade and Oculeth turn out to be best pals from “Back in the day” reuniting & having various arcane-shenanigans onwards would be great
The neural race of Earthen? The neutral race of Earthen both sides are getting?
These Character - Harronir, doesn’t have troll features. These are furry nelves. With quils and tusks.
Trolls don’t have fur nor quils. And I’d be grateful if people stopped conflating it together. Troll players want to interact with actual trolls and not furry nelves.
IIRC their inspiration was meant to be in reflection of the transition phase race between the transformation of Trolls into Nightelves / Highborne.