TWW Has Horde Story - Spoilers

For all of you crying about Alleria and Anduin being the jumping point.

The Earthen are Horde. Their story Horde Story.

The Arathi are confirmed descendants of Quel Thelas. Making them Horde.

Talanji is datamined in Zone 4, and we even have a picture of her in the Harronir Camp.

10.1’s raid has already been datamined to be about Goblins.

So there is Horde story and Horde characters. The alpha hasn’t even publicly shown the expansion’s main base campaign yet.

Chill TF out people.


I like how most of your items listed have nothing to do with the Horde.


Does that mean Alleria and the VEs are Horde too?


This feels like a speech a King would give back in the 10th century to their starving peasants.

Yes you struggle for food now because of my taxes, but what’s good for the King is good for the Kingdom!

Yes, killing our own kind really instills the spirit of Horde unity.




Which ones? Because the only potential listing that is not Horde is the Arathi.

Obviously not in that case. But Quel’Thelas is Horde Alligned making them more inclined to favor Horde.

IF you want Unity, Midnight is all about Horde Elves and unity. Which is a story directly following it.

Also we dont know the full story of 10.1 yet beyond Gazlow and the Goblins being invovled.

Talanji was a placeholder for Orweyna.


Shes still in the data for Zone 4, along with Orweyna.

We wont know if shes just a place holder until zone 4 comes to Alpha

Earthen are neutral so they are Alliance and Horde.

Arathi are (were?) Alliance at the time Quel’thelas was in an alliance with the Human kingdom in the Troll wars.

Talanji we have no idea if she will be Horde or neutral so there is nothing to talk about.

Goblins are not just a Horde race. They very much could be a goblin group not affiliated with the Horde.

I personally am waiting for more info because to me it seems if you are not an elf you will not be getting much from the World Soul Saga.


I’ve been gone for too long, tell me more about this rumor. :coffee::robot:

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She was already replaced.

Besides Talanji has no business being there.


Could we start with the first one. How is the story of a neutral race a horde story?


Talanji is a Horde leader that makes her 100% Horde.

No race in game is 100% Horde or Alliance. We play factions of that race.

But Gazlow is a major character for TWW and he’s got data strings for 10.1 and has a short story coming for TWW.

So irs safe to assume Horde Goblins are involved

In DF Zaralek Caverns gear and items were datamined under “10_1 Dragon Raid”. Then we got items that were “Emerald Dream Outdoor”. We knew about the ED before Abberus was over.

Now there are files for '11_Goblin Raid" things

Horde players are never satisfied until we have another Horde Warchief feature in the expansion cinematic trailer thrice in a row and constantly starting world wars.

Now finally Alleria and Anduin get some development after doing nothing worthwhile for years and Horde players are already crying about “AlLiaNcE bIaS”.


Because they are members of the Horde. Horde Story and Alliance story just invovle members of that faction these days.

Nothing about Alleria in TWW is going to exlclusively be Alliance for instance.

With SL onward Faction specific things like they used to be, are done for.

They are neutral.

So alleria’s story doesn’t count as alliance story?


…what? Thats the exact opposite that Horde players want.

You think Horde players want to see their leaders constantly die?

No one but the occasionally fringe poster is asking for what you are implying.


You’re speaking as if this is what Horde players demanded. “Blizz make 3 Syvlanas cinematics and start total war!”.

Maybe stop pulling out strawmans. Nobody said that Anduin and Alleria have to be deleted but to give Horde separate story, with their own heroes doing their own stuff. It’s really not that hard to comprehend.


Horde leader or not she still could give out neutral quest which is for both sides. We are not talking about if they are Horde or not but if they stories they have are Horde or for both. If it is a neutral story then it is for everyone.

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I didn’t know we had 5th graders playing WoW. “It’s Horde because there is an Orc in it” sounds like something I’d say at 10 years old.