TWW Has Horde Story - Spoilers

I intentionally skipped all of the Baine quest line so I wouldn’t know. I’m not giving Baine more chances though, he’s had enough.

I don’t think the phrase is trying to say that Baine represents the whole of the Horde, but instead that Baine represents the Horde’s morality and kindness. The ‘Heart’ of the Captain Planet is that is the Horde.

You don’t understand how story-telling works.

If a character’s claim is never challenged, then the claim is supported by the writers.

No one challenges Lor’themar’s claim, in fact the whole point of Sylvanas executing Baine is to destroy the last remnant of light in the Horde. The story corroborates Lor’themar’s claim.

Let’s skip the filler and just admit that you want the Horde to be Scourge 2.0. Enjoy Queen Calia Menethil. :smile:

lol, what?

And you made a Human Paladin because you think water is spicy.

What’s that, oh I think there’s a mob that needs to be auto attacked while you shout about the Light or what ever.

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It’s really not complicated.

Lor’themar said “Baine is the heart of the Horde”. You are meant to agree with that claim. If you disagree with it, you simply didn’t understand the story for a 12+ videogame. It’s actually pretty simple to understand.

sad huh? …

If it’s a claim then why would it inherently be true?

If it’s one persons opinion, then why would it be a universal truth?

Human Paladins have issues, I get it, but … oh wait… FOR THE LIGHT … or what ever.

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…but like actually though? It kinda does? XD

FWIW, Anduin is pretty much the MC of WoW.
He’s the only character we’ve seen literally grow up from a small child, and the one prophesied to be the leader of the Army of the Light.

Thrall (which already had his MC arc in Cata)/Wrathion would be his main supporting characters.

In DF, we had the massive nelf focus since it’s the only previous playable faction directly tied to dragons (greens), due to their druid stuff and Ysera’s preferences.

The Horde need some conflict to spark a story, some discovery in Silithus, or the upcoming Void shenanigans, which will likely affect the Sunwell. New old gods, some sort of conflict, whatever.

The Na’aru void/light relationship should have been more clearly explained at this point too.

Finally, IMHO, the faction focus should be gone, and we should all be focusing on each race and their plights. Also, we should all join the Scarlet Crusade and purge the undead aberrations from existence.

Yeah, Anduin, Thrall, Chromie and Jaina. Am I missing anyone? Those seem to be the most important characters, they’re involved in everything.


I’m actually shocked that the relatable 25 years old human is the MC instead of the weird troll creature with voodoo masks, the shambling zombie, or whatever other monster character Horde players feel like should be the main character.

A 25 years old human as MC… crazy, I know.

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Oh yeah, good call.

eeeek. :sob:

Horde content:

I know. It’s as flavorful as vanilla ice cream drizzled with white out and sprinkled with tap water.

Anyhow. Kill Baine. Bring back Sylv. GG.


Pictured in this gif:

  • The Horde Warchief.

  • The gates of Orgrimmar, the Horde capital.

Seems like Horde content to me.

Alliance players see the writers ruining established Horde characters and spitting on the Horde playerbase and somehow think that Horde players are getting some sort of fan service expansion dedicated to them… sure, that’s how that feels when that happens expansion after expansion… sure.


bet there are horde players who liked all the chaos she caused, like the ‘garrosh didnt do anything wrong’ folks. pretty sure alliance players werent fans.

That’s the point. :slight_smile:

A lot of Horde players aren’t fans of the hand-holdy garbage we’ve been doing since then but Alliance players are getting a kick out of it, aren’t they?