TWW Has Horde Story - Spoilers

To be fair, Im pretty sure her model was datamined as placeholder model for the Harronir leader. As in, Talanji’s model is currently used, but she will not actually be there on live.

I think Blizz needs to just really diversify the cast away from being mainly humans/elves in a game where there are space goats, trolls, orcs, panda people, gnomes, goblins, ogres, walrus people, fish people, and monkey people.

I like Anduin and Jaina, but they have been centerstage characters for a while.


You mean the Undead kingdom we spent a qarter of the expansion building. Oh wait, I misread I thought you saind Nelfs.

You let me know when the Forsaken get their “nelf tree” for you to visit then I’ll stamp your visitor card. Cause right now, Blizzard seems to be content with making the Forsaken slowly disappear.


no you should not be happy with scraps. this is not the fault of horde players. blizz, while playing their horde mains, set the game to belong to the horde for like 8 expacs and then all got fired and the new crew thinks they can fix the damage.

“Horde should be happy with scraps”

The “scraps”: 5 full-CGI high-quality cinematics of Saurfang, two entire expansions started by Horde warchiefs, while the Alliance spies Dranosh’ar Blockade with a robotic kitten.

The Earthen are about as Horde as Baine is, please.


So, then, they are full-on Horde.

Since Baine is the “heart and soul” of the Horde. Not a single character in the entire franchsie aligns more with the core values of the Horde than Baine Bloodhoof, he who risked his hide twice to preserve whatever scraps of dignity the Hode has left.

didya forget about…oil can noises… me? one moment, standby for an important announcement…mechagnomes may get new haircolors in…the last titan …i think…more oil can noises. same as our good friends, the kul’tirans who may get more than 4 faces…later.

What? Sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of Blizzard artists giving Nightborne their 200th jewelry option and 150th hairstyle since Shadowlands.

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lol! eek lol haha

Is this a joke?


The only joke here are Scourge undead being allowed into the Horde. A cruel joke done back in 2004 that we are still stuck with after 20 years.

Well’p I can’t take you seriously.

Human Paladins are going say Human Paladin things, it just can’t be helped.


And Undead players are going to deny Canon yet again, even though Baine is clearly stated to be the heart and soul of the Horde.

All we know is the raid has goblin themed weapons.

There’s nothing indicating that we’ll be killing goblins.

Y’all need to chill.

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Quest: Old Allies (Horde)

Lor’themar Theron:

Baine is an noble soul. His execution would drive a blade into the very heart of the Horde.

We must save him, . It is the only way to preserve who we are. What we stand for.

Lor’themar Theron says: Baine Bloodhoof represents all that is best in the Horde. We cannot stand by and let his light be snuffed out.

Baine Bloodhoof is Canonically the heart of the Horde. If he dies, the Horde dies with him.

That is the Canon. If you deny it, you are doing irrelevant headcanon.

The only thing that matters is the Canon: Baine is the heart of the Horde. If you don’t like Baine, you don’t like the Horde, the end. :slight_smile:

“Undead players”, do you mean Forsaken? I assure you I am alive, mostly.

Either way, Baine represents what it means to be a Tauren very well, but he doesn’t represent what it means to be a Goblin, or a Forsaken, or an Orc, or a Troll etc. etc. The Horde is more complex than what ever stupid thing Baine is currently doing. It’s also much more complex than the Alliance, which is why the Alliance is literal dishwater that’s been left in the sink for a month.

No, that is one persons opinion. That opinion is canon.


Would argue that he doesn’t even do that well. Baine is a terribly written and utilized character all around.

Cairne did it well. Baine is a crybaby.


Blizzard through Lor’themar stated that Baine is the heart of the Horde.

Anything else is headcanon.

Before DF I would have agreed, but he stepped up his game and became a better Tauren.

Literally not how opinions or characters or… anything like that, works. It’s one person making a statement. He isn’t the leader of the Horde, he is just one person stating his opinion. Would the Goblins agree? Would the Forsaken agree?

You’re really, really stretching here if you think he represents the Horde, and even if he did… my point stands that the Horde is infinitely more interesting, Human Paladin.