TWW Has Horde Story - Spoilers

It’s actually kind of amusing because right now the Alliance has much better racials than the Horde.

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watch the link? its too late for racials to help

I appreciate how that had nothing to do with the topic.

Yes. Racials were out of whack over a decade ago. And it caused a major slant in population. That was bad. I am not trying to justify that.

Alliance racials are now better. They get quests changed if it makes them feel bad.

And once again. The story has revolved around the Alliance for a long time, with the Horde as an initial writing prompt at best.


well if blizz is ignoring horde, why did almost all the shadowlands and bfa cinematics focus on horde ? and werent most of the df cinematics about the aspects and not horde or alliance? if you take quests from alliance npcs, just assume its because they are almost all thats left of the alliance.

Wait, what cinematics?


I am not sure what you are talking about.

The cinematics were regularly about the alliance.

And cinematics aren’t the story anyways. The in game story was still mostly Alliance


Some Mr. Fantastic level stretching going on in this topic.


saurfang and zappyboi, saurfang and thrall, saurfang, syl and thrall, syl burning the tree. syl and the lich king, syl and the jailer, and theres more, i just cant remember them all. the zappyboi one, was a tearjerker

Citing Sylvanas when she is not only not a part of the Horde, but a literal enemy of the Horde is a bold move.


well i considered that and decided she qualified still because there was quite a few horde that liked all the chaos she was causing, same as garrosh fans, and he was in similar situation

TWW has Horde story in equal measure as it has Alliance story. None.

Anduin and Alleria are not Alliance storylines, or Horde players wouldn’t be able to get quests from them.

That’s kind of the point of “Alliance story”.

So the Alliance actually has no story in TWW as it’s all Neutral.

That’s fine.

I consider her part of the Alliance.

So she is all Alliance story.

This makes just as much sense.


Ok. Then let’s do it with Horde characters.

I don’t see the issue with wanting Horde representation.


We are literally going to a kingdom of Blood Elves, Trolls, and Undead in Midnight.

We don’t have enough data to know what’s happening in midnight.


Yet you have enough “data” to determine that the Horde won’t have any “representation” in TWW? Hilarious.

We have a ton more data on the next expansion than the one 2 years after.


Yeah, and we have “data” that there will be a raid in Undermine, coupled with Gazlowe getting a novel tie-in story with Alleria, Anduin, and Magni.

So, again, you’re wrong and crying over nothing.

possibly, if tyrande says she can come back. would be cool to have the most iconic wow leader on the alliance. though shed be extremely unpopular, thats life on alliance anyway, i mean did you see the ocean of horde during the dark heart quest? and i’m on a high pop alliance server

I get it man

Horde should be happy with scraps