TWW Has Horde Story - Spoilers

I hope it isn’t like the Baine quest over a year ago.

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Remember when we thought Thrall and Baine were going to do something in the Shadowlands.

Well they definitely did a lot of sitting that’s for sure.


That makes sense since the dark trolls came after the Zandalari.

This is what I fear for sure. I was apprehensive about the Troll heritage quest and it was a good thing. Low expectations are always good.


The least they could’ve done was give them a bench


Forum trolls and “depending who you ask” has nothing to do with objective facts.

She is not horde. Void elves are not horde.

You don’t know that . We barely know what TWW is about.


Your entire point is based on wild speculation, twisting facts, and using “depending who you ask” forum posters as your works cited


There are no Dark Trolls in TWW, and Talanji turned out to be a place holder.


Quel Thalas was alliance way back my dude

Let them eat cake

:dragon: :cake: :dragon: :cake:

all the leaders did that, once we escaped the maw to oribos. they all sat around and issued the occasional command, punctuated by brokers and covenant leaders doing the same thing

Horde are the main focus every single expansion and yet horde fanboys still cry.

When they eventually run out of horde story and have to put out an actual alliance expansion its going to be pandemonium on the forums.

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I laughed way too hard at this


In other words just another Tuesday. I thought BFA did great for two separate storylines coming together

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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Here’s the thing. The arathi are descended from elves and humans. From a time when the horde didn’t exist.

Also. The expac doesn’t seem to be a big horde story. That’s a good thing tho, in my opinion. Horde story has been royally screwed over. They need a break from the spotlight.

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horde have many cinematics and cutscenes. countless wins against alliance. though alliance had most normal boss world firsts from vanilla to wrath, the horde had almost all final boss world firsts. and then gradually all world firsts were horde. the devs would humilate alliance players at blizzcons
bosses began to be customized so horde racials were superior, resulting in alliance losing nearly ALL their raiding pop to horde. the list of top 100 guilds went from nearly equal at the end of tbc, to being 90percent horde. it was one disaster after another, such as letting horde get first dibs at gear in prep for warmode in bfa, lasting for nearly a month. then, expecting still ungeared alliance to happily turn on warmode.

alliance only wins on paper, but in game, we’re hobbling along, just treading water

They are, and this is off the back of two Alliance expansions.

I don’t know what this is supposed to mean.

They are Humans that mixed with High Elves, not Blood Elves. They will use Human models with new pointy ears.

Killing Goblins?


If the Alliance played the rest of the game half as hard as they play pretend on RP servers, the Horde would probably never see a world first ever again. Shame most of the Alliance is good at pretending than actually doing.


i dont rp but sadly, gunfist, rp’ers are all thats left on alliance. the raiders all went horde.
you see this? its worse now

The warlock one is a banger. I hope they copy it for 10.1.

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