TWW Has Horde Story - Spoilers

The 10.1 plot WAS the main plot. With is getting into Abberus, finding out Dracthyr lore with Horde guy Ebyssian.

And seeing Fyrak steal the Shadowflame.

10.1.5 was some weird sub-plot with the Bronze dragons that showed Iridikron dipping out with Xalatath.

You. I asked you.

I have no clue what this sentence is supposed to mean.

What? “The leader of an Alliance race is actually a Horde character”


Representation for the Alliance.

Yes. Everything you are saying is kinda crazy.

Most of it is completely untrue.


In this case, there is no Alliance story line either.

The Alliance didn’t get special quests from any NPCs in 10.2 and so far they’re not getting them in 11.0 either.

So everyone is neutral now. So how it it an issue for Horde?

Don’t play coy with me. I’ve seen you in countless threads talking about High Elves. You know people on these forums argue that Blood Elves and High Elves are the exact same. Ergo Horde.

Nice try of an innocent deflection though.

How exactly is a storyline focused on Blood Elves and Nightborne and Void Elves, not a Hirde focus? Like what about that is untrue in anyway?

Where does the Blizzcon reveal of that story being about them, mean it’s not gonna have a Horde focus?

She also got mad at us, stormed off, and Rokhan had to go and talk to her last we had any communication with her. She’s the leader of her people. Her status within the Horde is really unknown at this point. I do imagine they will bring her back around?

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Tyrande did the same in BfA, and Anduin dipped at SL’s ending.

As long as the Zandalari are still part of the Horde. She is too. Unless we get a story about her stepping down.

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The thing with this is they had follow up that showed her still being in the Alliance. We don’t have the same for Talanji yet.

We need the masculine Horde storytelling back, not whatever this is. We need Garrosh!


Based on DF, and how Anduin is in TWW. (He’s going through his edgy emotional arc witu constant self doubt. Which is understandable
but still)

I don’t think we’ll get anything masculine until maybe Midnight in terms of story.

that is quite literally the horde’s entire backstory so yes

Um, sorry to burst your bubble, but

Earthen ring has always and will always be a neutral faction with both alliance and horde who’s sole purpose is to the elements of Azeroth and the protection of said planet. They are not horde or alliance bias.


She is a void elf. Making all of that irrelevant.

“How is a story focused on void elves and Alleria not a Horde story”?


Earthen Ring =/= Earthen Race

None of it is, is irrelevant. As I took into account Forum Trolls and depending who you ask. And I know you’ve seen those people and been in those discussions.

So again, there’s no playing coy.

Midnight is literally set on Blood Elves and using the Light to fight the Void.

You don’t even have to use a full brain cell to get Horde out of Blood Elf.

I think when people talk about this it’s more of giving them prominent roles in the story. E.g. having power feats, or being core characters in the narrative. Not so much “here’s a side quest for 200 gold”


You can’t tell me what to do! You’re not my real mom!


This thread has all the pleasantries of a Velma episode.


Blood Elf identity is completely gone and with that, the game dies for good. All these selfish people who demanded these things should feel completely ashamed.

Hooray! So a raid about killing Goblins is heartwarming story for Horde players?

Are you serious? :roll_eyes:


This is like saying that Night Elves favor the Horde because the Nightborne joined us.

I may not know a damn thing about wow’s lore, but I know full well that where there’s a lore “discussion” there’s comedy to be found.

To be honest the Horde and Heartwarming stories aren’t really something that has ever gone together.

But the point is that 11.1 will feature Goblins in it’s story. Which means Gazlow as he’s officially an important WW character as per the Short Stories Showcase.

How so?

What about being a society of magical Elves who are currently allied with the Horde is changing?

It’s not like their genocided people are coming back to life.

Alliance High Elves have existed longer in the lore since Blood Elves.

So how does Alleria erase Blood Elf identity?