TWW Has Horde Story - Spoilers

I mean the fake class armor get up. With classes that dont exist.

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when it actually does anything but delay the next assault

About Alleria, well, she doesn’t consider herself Ren’dorei

But the void elves, nah, thanks, let them rot in in their rift.

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I am happy most of your argument is based on stuff that happened more than a decade ago.

And an expansion where the person you are referencing was one of the main bad guys.


I see. Horde losing so much must have addled your mind.

In Cataclysm, we had to take quests from Thrall.

In MoP, from Vol’jin.

In BfA, from Saurfang.

In SL, from Sylvanas.

So No, you are revising history. Alliance players were forced more than often to take quests from Horde characters.

And your argument is that it was anywhere near equal to the Alliance story we’ve had the last 10 years?


and yet we’ve lost nothing. hell the one thing we did lose we got back, Lordaeron


Footbomb, used to be popular on Kezan. :robot::bomb:

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Losing over half your population to infighting says a lot.

I think I’m done with this pointless tirade. You keep living in the past, without realizing that Alleria and Anduin are not there as Alliance characters, they are there as independent figures.

I appreciate it. You havent been in this discussion honestly.


And this is where you miss the point.

We are asking for Horde representation. You tell us to stop living in the past, and to remember Thrall in Cata.

I appreciate your half hearted attempt to play gotcha games.


you say that like blizz doesn’t just pull new soldiers out of thin air whenever anyone needs to fight.
the faction war doesn’t matter
the faction war has never mattered, nothing will ever change because no-one can actually lose


I can’t wait to put on my best “I care” face and sit down with Anduin, “Tell me about your mozzah” is the horde’s role in “World of Warcraft: The Therapy With Wrynn”


Um, 10.1 is dragonflight. You mean 11.1 :smirk:


What are you talking about? The Alliance as an organization only started in Warcraft 1. There was never an Alliance during the troll wars. There were alliances but not an organization called the Alliance. So calling the Arathi “Alliance” is just incorrect.

Bro Anduin had 2 expansions now for development

Technically 3 if you count MoP



Mmm. Yeah, well in that case maybe Horde are thrown some kind of bone, but this is going to be a C-plot at best.

If 11.1 follows the 10.1 structure, then that will be a side-plot while the main narrative unfolds in 11.1.5.


Depending on who you ask, it doesn’t.

Loads of ppl try to say shes not a Void Elf or that High Elves arent a thing. That they’re only a thing on the Horde.

Which makes her a Horde or Neutral character if race is what matters.

I’m just saying that if it features characters tied to the faction then its representation.

A lot of ppl say Horde hasnt gotten storylines. But SL had a good bit of Horde involvement, and it really only didn’t get unbalanced until 10.2, granted BfA had some extra Horde love.

But like, I’m just saying.

There is evidence of invovlment from Horde leaders, we dont even have the full base campaign available yet.

Not to mention Midnight is going to be mainly Horde led. As its the Belf xpac. And ppl act like Horde characters won’t get any story involvement

Its kinda crazy

Shadowlands? Anduin was himself in that expansion for only the beginning and the end lol. The entire middle part, it was the Jailer.

I really don’t see how you can twist SL into a story that benefit Anduin.