TWW Has Horde Story - Spoilers

Actually, it is hard to comprehend.

What do you mean, “Give Horde separate story”?

I’m afraid that’s an impossible request, you might consider lowering your standards just a little. You’re basically asking Blizzard to make two expansions simultaneously.

Are you new to WoW?


I never expected the Undermine to be a raid (more like a megadungeon). Already curious on the ideas for the tiers. :robot::thought_balloon:


Impossible? They did it fine in BfA, WoD, MoP, Cata, WotLK, TBC, Classic. So what are you talking about?


If they’re civilized enough to refer to themselves as such, they’re not Horde.

Quel’thalas is Alliance lands.

It’s time the Alliance aided the Quel’dorei in retaking what is Alliance from the Horde.

No, they did not have a separate story, they had separate HUBS, which is different. Ultimately, they were all still the same story.

Also, pretty much all of the expansions you listed except for MoP are considered to be terrible from a story perspective, so maybe they shouldn’t listen to you. :slight_smile:

lol what even is that

Doesn’t make a difference if she’s been replaced.


And Shadowlands was well known for its excellent story.


You can have them. We have plenty of dwarvs.

Meh. . .

If I recall, the High Elves taught humans, the Arathi (prequel to the Alliance kingdoms) how to use magic in the Troll Wards. This was way before BE and the horde existed. Therefore: High Elf (Alliance) + Human (Alliance) = Half Elf (Alliance)


Again, we don’t need separate faction hubs.

You people need to understand that factions don’t matter. You will take quests from Anduin/Alleria/Jaina, because you care about protecting Azeroth, and right now they are the only ones who can do it.

Move on from 2004 already.


Puts fingers in ears

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please try, seeing all 5 of the remaining high elves try and get past the front gate would be entertaining as hell

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How many times must the Alliance beat the Horde, kick out your war chief, and siege your cities before you accept that the Horde is pathetic?

I am pretty sure that said hubs and quests provided separate story. Like Horde aiding Frostwolves, and Alliance aiding Draenei.

Becuase Alliance couldn’t quest for Frostwolves to reclaim the Ogre Fortress. So by definition it is a separate story and separate experience unique to one faction only.
And what I’m and other people are asking is just to continue that tradition.


And why cant we take more quests from Horde characters?

Or is this one of those “deal with my double standards” things?

Look man. Whatever you bribed the writers with. It worked.

When the writers decided to go completely one sided for the Alliance, for a decade. The results paid off .


The Undermine? :world_map::robot:

Probably mean the artist, his concepts were really popular during the discussions for heritage armors. :robot::thought_balloon:

Just throwing this out there; we allied races are not officially part of the Horde or the Alliance. We’re friends of the faction. The Vulpera and Zandalari, for example, never took the blood oath to join the Horde. Funny how the Taunka did back in Wrath but never became playable :dracthyr_tea:


So we are just going to ignore when we had to take quests from Sylvanas in Zereth Mortis then.

Or from Thrall in Cataclysm, even having to go to his wedding with Aggra (another Horde character).