TWW Auction house closed - no blue post here

Blizzard please provide more info:

  • why is the auction house closed
  • timeline for fix

Speaking generally – this is not Blizzard-specific – repair timelines are only accurate when the problem and procedure to resolve that particular problem are well-known and practiced.


There were problems with the Auction House after Wednesday maintenence when Blizzard made changes to levelling. So the Auction House is down while Blizzard investigates these issues and tries to fix it.

Nobody has an ETA that can be given.


There was this thread posted 14 hours ago, so can use this thread


Sept 3rd, still says the Auction House is closed. :weary:

Interestingly, I’ve been able to use the AH in the past 2 or 3 days. Blizzard implemented an AH throttling solution a couple of days ago.

If it’s closed again it could be due to another issue.

But it has not been closed the entire time, they just took it offline a while ago. Was notified ingame.


It’s being restarted, they aren’t expecting an extended downtime.


I have a toon in-world standing in the Stormwind AH on Whisperwind, and it is indeed currently down. However, a yellow-text announcement just appeared in chat: “The Auction House will be returning shortly, deploying performance changes.”

This is probably related to the post on Twitter/X where they noted issues with the db overloading, went from 60k records to tens of millions

x . com /FwoiblesWoW/status/1829977337397723443

Playing with databases they probably need to wait for the db’s to clear naturally before making a big change or revert.

The Auction house is back up, HOWEVER, now it is showing 0 items being sold. The AH is still very much bugged.

Or, because it is a database it is going to take a bit of time to repopulate after it was brought up. Give it some time.

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I have not yet seen them give any indication that they are done giving it the upgrades they took it down for.

They are likely aware of the situation, provided they aren’t doing it intentionally.


over an hour later, still ‘closed’ :frowning:

Sorry, can’t be online at all times and obviously missed the restart notification to when I tried to access the auction house.

You posted on a thread that was 5 days old. The issue you were replying to was already fixed. AH was back up and running then they took it offline again today.