Auction House Performance Issue - Updated September 1

September 1

We believe we’ve resolved the issue previously affecting Auction House performance.

We’re aware of and working on diagnosing and solving issues that are affecting the performance of the Auction House in WoW. At this time, the Auction House is up, but is experiencing degraded response times.

We’ll let you know as soon as we have updates on the situation.

Thank you!


Oh good. It is a bummer of a time.

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Am I the only one who’s really curious as to what the issues are and how they’re different from the couple of times that AH went down during DF?

The AH wasn’t this bad when servers were under the load of DF launch, from what I remember.


Its probably from the amount of players who have the addon TSM I’ve been hearing so much about recently. Apparently it can “DDOS” the AH servers simply by using its functions. If that’s true, it sounds like something needs to be done to remove that capability.


That explains why Trade Chat was saying that bots were overloading the AH.
Obviously, TSM isn’t botting, but you know how Trade Chat is…


Yes. It’s just you.


Time to break tsm and lock the API


No it can’t.

The calls that TSM makes to support sniping are low-impact.

Meanwhile, the AH has been randomly slow for months, sometimes absolutely crawling – on low pop servers – even before the first prepatch.

Idk why it’s going down but TSM is not the reason. Someone in Operations at Microblizzard should have been watching a service dashboard for AH latency and doing something about it since long ago.


there is no low pop server anymore when we talk about AH


There are actual sniperbots running on top of lua unlockers to access the protected functions.

Blizzard should start with banning lua unlockers to squeeze out all the bots running on top.


Too many people came back to WoW this is a tragedy! Blizzard made the expansion too good… thanks a lot.


Honestly, I imagine TWW had a bigger turn out at launch than DF did purely because people were holding off on DF after the disasters of SL.


If the calls from 1 person are low impact… How impactful is it if the calls are from a thousand? Thousands?

Again, all I’m hearing is a rumor but it makes sense. While the calls from 1 person are low impact, if enough people simultaneously or near simultaneously are performing calls against a variety of items… It can definitely lead up to a potential “DDOS” like “attack”. While not intended, it could be whats happening. Especially since all AH’s are now regionwide. It’s not just 1 servers AH being hit with these calls.

On the micro-scale, fine. On the Macro, probably not so much.


TSM has been in use for years and has never caused degraded AH issues. What makes you think it’s suddenly the issue now?


If Blizzard “improved” upon the background technology of the AH to potentially increase its functionality and response time, there is a chance that TSM doing what it’s been doing for years with low impact calls from the player could be leading up to bottlenechs due to the amount of potential calls across the entire gaming community. Especially if its become more widely known, and more and more players start to use it.

As i stated above, it is probably fine on the micro-scale. But when its becoming macro-scale… not so much.

Edit: It’s just like when a something awesome is coming out, like a collectors edition that is only available on one site and is launching at a certain time. The amount of what are normally considered low impact calls of just getting to that website can overwhelm it simply due to the amount.


If TSM is causing the issue then block it from working. Just like any other add on that is found out to causing trouble with WoW’s programing or function.


Thank you for addressing it quickly.

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I need TSM to keep track of my crafting mats across my alt sweatshop.


I really doubt it’s TSM

More likely the real actual bots that are posting bait items then canceling them within 1 sec of posting.

Bait items are used to trick players in to posting items at below market value to the scamer can then buy them and repost them at a huge markup.

I can solve this problem right now.

Put a 4 hour CD on cancelations.


Altoholic and other mods allow tracking of materials across characters. Just in case the need arises.