TW's kicking that booty

I love doing tw’s with a pug that think they know everything and try to tell me how to do it but yet they die to simple mechanics then at the end get the achievement for it. I’m usually the only one in these groups that did it during the actual time, but yet i get talked to like im a noob. lol

The mobs continually spawn until you kill all of the archers in the first room. Most groups kill one side and try to run through, bad idea!

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Yep, timewalking dungeons are intended only to be a nostalgia trip for “old salts” who did them as progression back in the old days. There is no place in them for new players or lower levels that they are advertised as appropriate for.

Black Morass so far is the easiest just takes forever, the one i expected to be hard was the on in upper hellfire citadel as long as dispells we kept up it went rather smoothly. But Arcatraz was a real pain, quite frankly it wasn’t that hard back when it was current. i think the big issue is TW scales you to minimum requirements. Back when i ran Heroic BC dungeons I out geared it.

The tools are there. Use CC instead of faceroll Zerg. I probably ran Shadow Labs over 100 times simply because I could banish and seduce and fear or enslave those horrid succubi use them to seduce one fear one and banish one. And enslave cost shards.

Prot warrior and bear ae threat was trash. And fury warriors were screwed as they had no real CC other than long CD intimidating shout. You couldn’t just group it up and go hulkster (other than shattered halls really) because it all just hit too damned hard.

Such a different game. I dunno maybe I will go do time walking if some guildies wanna go but unfortunately my game time is limited.

hah! we tried CC in arcatraz 90% of mobs were immune…foot sweep did’t work, Ice trap worked on little guys, ring of piece didn’t knock back, paralize didn’t work, intimidation didn’t stun yah CC was broke in that place.

Yeah Black Morass is super easy on TW, which is surprising because of how frustrating it was when current. I think it’s mostly due to kill speeds. In TBC it always used to difficult to keep up with the portal openings and the spawns, so you would usually get 2-3 spawns through a portal before defeating the guardian and by then the next portal would be already opening and starting to spawn the guardian.

Now you barely get a spawn and then have to wait for the next portal to spawn. So much easier.

I think it’s mechanics. Playing the new dungeons, mythic seems more like normal used to be. M+ is closer to old heroics. Not sure what stone, but regular mythics aren’t that hard. I remember when heroics were a nightmare.

yep i remember that nightmare lol…now when I am leveling up if I get that place i drop group it is all about hurry up and wait.

Arc is more about who you kill, in what order, and what you pull.
A lot of people do things like skip the Blood Elf trash at the start, not realising leaving them alive continues the amalgams to continue to spawn.
Then of course you have the mechs that deal lightning damage, and also the Voidwalkers who absorb certain types of magic (usually shadow) to grant them immense buffs that can’t be tanked through.

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Oh I know, we only made the mistake at first because our guild mate who was tanking thought we could zerg it LOL. but yah i know how to run the place but it just felt like we were being hit harder than I remember. of course that was eons ago.

Should do it with PuGs :+1:
I remember trying to get people to stop being fools on the Voidies. I was pulling 1-2 depending on if I could separate them or not, yet the Shadow Priest of all people kept trying to pull more, doing almost no damage whilst I’m trying to kite the Warp-Masters as they keep spawning Black Holes for each other healing and buffing them.

Fortunately I was on the DH so I had the mobility to kite, because they were becoming some big bois


We did pug a healr but the first one left after the first screw up, we got another one and he was great…we had to explain to him it wasn’t his fault we were dying. Most of the time we were just stupid and deserved the slow agonizing death. Like me forgetting to let tank go first and ran into a stealthed Succubis LOL


The meteor is split dmg. You’re supposed to stack.

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I just did the SH and Alc with my guild and we didn’t die once. Maybe because we y’know treated it like a Mythic or M+ dungeon and didn’t mindlessly pull? If you pull giant crowds you’re going to die. But, they aren’t that hard…

we gots a leet in the house!


My alcatraz run was brutal too, those invisible succubi really did a number.

Overall happy, got Grong’s awesome trinket to drop.

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Yah invisible succubi got me I was like room clear…oops i just pooped myself…run!


*Checks to see if “track stealth” is still turned on.

<—monk main…Steampunk forum avatar LOL