Two races are getting dark elf appearance

Come 10.0, Tauren actually CAN be every class in the game…

Gimmie belf druids and shaman!

The males in human form remind me of Wrathion. The dragon form looks like an upright Everquest dragon, but I guess it makes sense since they aren’t true dragons.

This is my one piece of copium, at least when every race has every class, blood elves won’t be a severe margin ahead of other races such as gnomes.

So when can we blood elves also be able to be purple skinned like void elves? Or have white hair?

Can we compromise?

Gnome druids, shamans, and paladins
Belef druid, shamans and Troll paladins?

Yes it is!

Hey, before I work up a full head of outrage, has this been verified?

I mean I really need the majority of my outrage to combat upcoming positive cross faction play threads so I don’t want to waste any on something that is not even true.

Isn’t that already happening?

I read somewhere, however it wasn’t concrete, that the developers were intending to make all classes accessible to all races, but certain classes like paladins would require extra work.

I mean, I’m happy for folks that have been wanting Dark Rangers for awhile.

Sure would love some eye options for my Draenei tho :eyes:

No. We’ll trade you Draenei and Orc DHs for BE Druid/Shaman & Troll Paladins.

Blood elves are Horde affiliated and fel tainted.

High elves are… not!

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Haha I think so, but I’ld guess–due to the model considerations–druids for non-preexisting druid races will be the last to come out

That post is 58 minutes old, there has been speculation about new allied race for the past week or more.

Your welcome. :kissing:

I have no stake in the matter so long as I get my belf druids… deal! I’ll even throw in some man’ari customizations as a treat :kissing_heart:

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You’re alright elf.

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At 10:30:


That sounds pretty evident that eventually more options such as druids for all races will come.

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Dark elf or Elf of Color?

I’ve got two thoughts on this.

  1. Dark Ranger customizations. We’re about 2.5 patches late for it, but late is better than never. These should have been available from the start of Shadowlands. Once more, Blizzard demonstrates a complete lack of appreciation for such things as immersion. For so many players, playing as a Dark Ranger, hunting down Sylvanas who betrayed the Horde and so many Dark Rangers, would have been the highlight of this expansion (which isn’t saying much considering how this expansion has gone, but still).

  2. If its true that these customizations are being made available to Void Elves… Why? Just… why? There are NO Dark Rangers on the Alliance (save perhaps for some Night Elves who haven’t even really returned). There aren’t any Dark Rangers among the Void Elves, not even among the High Elves. It’s 100% a Horde aesthetic and a part of their identity. There is no scenario where this makes any kind of sense. Keep the Dark Ranger stuff to Blood Elves and Night Elves, where it belongs.


My response was 38 minutes ago.

No there hasnt been.

You’re out of touch.

I wanna be a dark elf kul tiran shaman

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Your wrong. It’s ok though, I will help you. Open up google and type in ‘new allied race 9.2.5’ and click the search button.

Immediately your search will yield results with words like allied race, speculation and date like 13th of May, that was weeks ago.

There will even be links to these very forums with player speculation about the possibility of a new allied race.

Your most welcome. :kissing: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I await your apology. :melting_face: