Two races are getting dark elf appearance

yes to Corgi werewolves


If Alliance gets another Horde theme, and the void elves then get 3 themes they can pick from whenever they want, one of which is specifically Horde on a Thalassian elf model, I will be beyond annoyed.

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I just want the option for pink hair. Is that too much to ask?

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I hope the red eyes are for void elves, night elf dark ranger is not interesting at all. Considering void elves can wear the dark ranger set, i bet we are getting red eyes too.

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There isn’t really a “Dark elf” appearance. Its dark ranger appearance.

If it’s actually being given to Velf


Just merge the two races
 what’s the point anymore



You are a boring old human so you only get boring old human colors.

So there :tongue: .

Oh wait, I am a boring old human too.

:cry: .

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Yes!!! Finally!!!

Why even lock hair colors to certain races only?

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the hell you talking about? through void elves you got forsaken and pure blood elves

the faction with 1/3 of the elves has more flavors then the one with 2/3

Thank you!!!

Why the heck would the Blood Elves get Dark Rangers who are related to Sylvanas who only had Dark Rangers once she was the leader of the Forsaken?!

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Its not a new race genius.

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This Dark Ranger bullcrap is ruining the chances for DKs to get anything except those stupid flames. At least give me a damn option for just blue with no stupid flames.

Don’t want blood elves.

Want High Elves!

Those are not High Elves, they are pretend high elves.


As much as I don’t mind more customization for roleplayers
 It is pretty ridiculous that the velves can be any combination of sin’dorei in existence.


Blood elves should get nothing at all.

Literally the most spoiled race in the game with just about every class unlocked.


ok void elf

ok what’s the difference? I thought the blood elves were high elves just with a new name.

dont get gaslighted