Two races are getting dark elf appearance

Apologies, its three races… Void, Night and Blood get the Dark Elf customization.

This please!!!



For real, we’re the only main race without eye color options, the other three being lightforged draenei, dark iron dwarves and nightborne, but nightborne at least have two different eye shapes, lol.

I see what you did there

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Ok… as an elf main since tbc. Like can we stop? When are other races getting anything? I think we’re good for now. Add some hair styles and we’re good. Lets give trolls something, maybe vulpera, give worgens something. I’m getting tired of this now. :cloud_with_rain:

matron malice when?

name checks out

There’s more Dark Elves look alike elven races in this game more than variety of elves in terms of actually true wood elves, half elves, snow elves, and high elves.

4 if you can count the Dark Fallen Options. Night Elves, Void Elves, and Nightborne.