Myself and another holy priest are possibly looking for a new home. Currently 8/9 in AQ with 3 C’thun kills.
Myself I raided in vanilla as a MT of my guild and manage to clear 6 bosses in Naxx before TBC. In TBC I was a warrior tank for a hardcore guild that cleared Sunwell. Played some in WoTlk as well. Currently rocking 8/8 T2 with HCH. I have a few off pieces from AQ that I use when I’m not rolling with 8/8 T2. Other priest is similarly geared with a few more AQ pieces than myself. We all typically come with most world buffs and consumables.
Raid times that work best for us are T/W/TH 9EST or later. Might possibly have more people interested. I am getting this out there as we begin to weigh our options.
Thank you for your interest in advance.
[H] Skeram
Wed/Thurs 8pm-12am
Laid back guild with blind bid DKP system. (Will reset to 0 when naxx is released)
AQ40 1hr 30 min clear. BWL sub 1 hour.
We dont run MC or any 20 mans anymore.
Contact me on discord if you’d like to chat. EnvyExile#5166
Thanks but 8 eastern is too early or us. Bummer too as I think we would also bring an experienced Twin Emperors Warlock tank.
Have a discord i can reach you at?
Hihi Cuzzourticus!! 
I’m with Grievance (Horde) on the Mankrik server (8/9 AQ40). We have 2 raid teams – Tue/Thurs 8-11pm EST and Wed/Fri 8-11pm EST. It looks like based on an above post, an 8pm start time would be too early for your group. We do have a few people that tend to join our raids later/closer to 9pm and we fully accommodate people’s real-life schedules. If this flexibility may work for you, please do not hesitate to reach out!
Cheers and ping me on Discord if you’d like to chat or have any questions: Demondancer#4826
I was curious if you 3 are open to the idea of being split into different raid groups? If so I’d love to chat, Eternes#1835 (discord)
I look forward to hearing from you.
Hello Cuzzourticus!
Would love to speak with you about joining Wrecked! Here is a post to our recruitment post: [H]-Whitemane-<Wrecked> Open for all classes for Naxx farm - LF TBC Players - #40 by Cupnoodoh-whitemane
We raid Tues/Weds 6:00-9:00pm PST so the raid times fit perfectly with what you require.
Super interested in the feral along with with two holy priests! Would love to chat more if all 3 of you guys are interested - we only raid with 1 core raid as well.
Look forward to speaking with you! Avanti#2703 is my discord or you can join via the guild one!
Hey there Cuzzourticus!
I’d like to talk to you guys about our openings. Send me a message on Discord
Look forward to hearing from you!
Hey Cuzzourticus,
If you haven’t had luck finding a guild yet I was curious if you would want to have a chat with me about joining Wildcard. We are a two night raid guild (Tuesdays/Wednesdays). Our server is west coast but we start out raid at 9PM EST. We are really hoping to round out our roster and are looking to add a few more motivated players to our raid.
Add me on discord at adrast#9827 or battle.net at Vangor#1614 if you have time to chat. Thanks!
Hi my guild is a late night guild
We raid 1 am to 4 am est
On skeram
Pm me on discord if your still looking
Hey there. I am surely a bit late to the party, but just in case I wanted to still reach out. We are a semi-hardcore guild on the Netherwind server. We are 13/15 Naxx, soon to be 15/15. Our raid times are Tues/Wed 8:30pm-12:30 EST. We are primarily in need of healers, but can definitely consider exceptional DPS!
send me a DM at: Bombardier#5676
Shalom if you and your friends don’t mind a west coast server and can raid Mondays, then you line up with our raid times. We raid Mon/Tuesday with invites starting at 9:30pm and 1st pull at 10pm.
We’re a self described dad guild as many of our members don’t have the time to raid more than we already do. That said we do use the time we have well and are progressing smoothly sitting at 8/15 currently. We’re a pretty chill group and have some very competitive and experienced players at our core. I’ll leave a link to my recruitment post for more info.
Good luck in your guild search!
Hey, on Ashkandi is 15/15 Naxx and we’re looking for healers. Priests especially, check out our post here:
You can reach me on discord: Namelus#1617