<Cylance> (Mankrik, Horde) - Friday/Saturday Progression 8-11pm server time, Wednesday throwback farming 8-11pm server time.
10/10 MC, 8/8 BWL, 8/9 AQ40 3/15 NAXX; 20 man content fires on demand/weeknights.
Loot System is Loot Council for Progression content (guided by a publicly available spreadsheet, factoring in things like attendance/delta of upgrade/roles, etc.) and Soft Reserve (MS +1) for farm content.
We’ve been together since the start of Classic, and grown quite a bit along the way. The main thing we rally around is a relaxed, enjoyable atmosphere outside the raids, and a fairly “buttoned up” experience during our 6 hours clearing 40 man content together. We’re certainly not leading the pack, but we clear and farm all the content at a reasonable pace. We intend to raid deep into Naxx and into Burning Crusade together.
Main requirement to join is availability for raid schedule, upbeat/friendly/stoney dad-ittude, and gear that is pre-raid BiS or better for this phase. With guilds dissolving and large groups of people looking for a new home, we are looking to recruit a group of committed raiders looking towards Naxx and TBC.
If you want to learn more or want to join the team DM me on discord or whisper any of the below officers in game.
Discord - SabreStorm#6506
Officers: Altai, Azena, Bootychief (GM), Brutefury, Fluxist, Hotwheels, Kyleofdrywal, Monomito, Sabrecurse, Stubbems, or Tedworth.