Two New WoW Classic Realms Opening In This Region

i feel like i’m missing something here. this is an mmoRPG in a way retail isn’t. i have 13 level 120 retail toons. i rushed them to cap. now they do WQ stuff. and that’s it.

with classic i am slowly leveling toons and enjoying questing. grinding skinning. working on other professions. keeping a lookout for rp when i’m in a city. i have a bunch of toons around 9-12 right now and enjoying it much more than i thought i would.

what’s the point of even playing classic if you’re rushing to end game? why not just do that in retail which is designed for it?

I’m offering the easy solution to the issue of full server transfers, without rerolling or polluting current servers. Your other arguments aren’t relevant to me. If you agree with my concept. The argument ends here.

Every person who is on Q on Herod should go to Netherwind now!
go go go go

You didn’t explain anything. You explained how your hypothetical solution would work. Nothing you said actually demonstrate that it’s a viable solution. What does demonstrate that it’s not the solution Blizzard wants to go with at the moment, is them not giving you what you want. You have no arguments. You never had any arguments besides your incessant whining about an issue that you brought on yourself. But whatever, resort to your feeble attempts at insults.


Whoops, doesn’t launch until tomorrow.

so much for the amazing classic community that puts retails to shame. smh. the people in this thread are why a lot of us aren’t grouping in classic or joining a guild. i’m having fun just doing my own thing.


ok now reush 13 lv. 60’s and get back to us.

I can’t move because I have friends on the server and I can’t move twenty people, they started here because you only offered name reservation for five servers.

What did you guys think was going to happen there?

Whoever thought name reservation on just five servers was a good idea should be excoriated for stupidity.

That’s literally how they did free server xfers. You must really be young child.

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Uh isn’t the problem with queues according to everyone is that there weren’t enough servers at launch…?

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i did it all the time in vanilla. this character has existed on probably 30 servers with him being between level 13 and level 60 over and over and over again. at least 3 times he was 60 and i deleted him. then other times since then. this version of him has existed since mid wrath when i made him on uther. but then i started transfering him instead. i’ve done it before. no big deal. i have fun playing.

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Just because you’re incapable of prioritizing more time doesn’t mean other people are, tbh I hope you’re on a high pop/full realm so you find out what I’m talking about. Work a 9-5 job, wait til midnight to get in, play for an hr or two all the while getting ganked for 50% of that time.

I didn’t take time off work, I just have more flexibility than you clearly to do what I want when I want and still make more than enough for a living. Life decisions matter, blaming not being able to play because of them is on you. Having kids while barely being able to afford rent or other problems like that is bad decision making in my opinion. Same thing goes with anything else that could possibly get in the way.

Or you could have not reserved a name and see how things shook out.

That’s how you think that server transfers work. Truth is that you actually have no clue about the logistic behind it. And was that last part another attempt at insulting me?

They released name reservation on just five servers, those five servers are now “RIP SERVER” on queues, 8000-9000 queue. Kind of an obvious outcome if you don’t limit or reroute users from those five servers at a much lower cap than what occurred.

oh you just got pwned

As many others have said, let me transfer for free to another server from Stalagg, and I will be more than happy to do so. Some in my guild have not been able to play yet. A rl best friend and father of two young children that works a full time job has not been able to log in yet to play a game he pays for and loves. We played Vanilla, and have been looking forward to this since announced.

People trusted you that this would be fixed sooner, so they continued to invest time in their characters. They will not just throw that time away. People took off work, altered their situations for this.


New realms are not fixing the issue day 4.

Announce server transfers paid or free and the ques where most of our level 20+ toons are will die down a bit.

Do you seriously just expect us to just “Keep hopping servers” every time there is a que???


Just because YOU didn’t know that doesn’t mean no one knows it lol JFC… and no I wasn’t insulting you I was pointing out something obvious. You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about.

you’ve insulted his intelligence and age multiple times. i’ll be really surprised if someone doesn’t report you. though i won’t and i doubt he will either. that’s harassment btw.