Two New WoW Classic Realms Opening In This Region

if they were really their friends they’d want to play together. apparently not good enough friends i guess. getting to level 40 when your supposed bff hasn’t even gotten to log in. lol

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Actually I paid to Save my Character Name on a Server that Blizzard promised I would be able to play on. I can’t access said server, and I don’t have that character name now.

I did not get what I paid for.


If you played seriously enough you wouldn’t need an answer to that question, people are already hitting 60, I see you’re only lvl 10. Enjoy getting ganked and corpse camped after having a 3-6 hrs queue and how long are you able to play for? If you’re a casual which it seems you are because you asked this question, maybe an hr or two? Well take away an hr of being dead by the same player, wouldn’t be very fun would it.

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you’re really that upset about a name? when this pally went horde for cata and switched to sisters of elune his name was karro, because meccah was taken. it’s just a name.

Imagine this, what you’re talking about is not a free for all server transfer, which is not what I was talking about. Imagine that. Crazy, right? Sure if they want to lock a server exclusively for transferring people that works. But people are currently asking for transfers to already established servers that are open to everyone. That would just move the problem.

yo but can I get a central timezone server?

No I am upset Blizzard scammed myself and a whole playerbase. People are attached to names for a reason. You would think an RP realm player would at least have that understanding. That lack of understanding tells me you are definitely just a troll that isn’t really worth replying to at this point. So go ahead respond to me anytime I comment. You are dead hot air of nothing.

Cool about 4 days late but maybe it’ll help

blizz is doing the best they can. their is entirely a player problem with player solutions. they’re providing the servers. people just need to reroll. they’re stubbornly refusing to which is part of the reason everyone on those servers has those queues. they all expect someone else will leave. seems like no one is.

you can change your character name to anything you want in your rp addons. your name as long as it’s not something awful and report worthy doesn’t really matter. do you even play on an rp realm?

Its a plain and evident issue of Blizz dropping the ball constantly. People planned guilds and friends planned to play together on the original list of realms. Failure to launch with the appropriate amount of servers is on Blizz thus creating the whole que issue to begin with.
Telling people to move solves what exactly? How many times should they move? Some have moved multiple times and oh so shocking those realms to filled up causing que issues.
I propose all those suggesting people to move should be the first to lead by example and pick up and move. Perhaps they should have locked the servers on the 12th to those that re subbed logged in and reserved names. Perhaps if you logged in after the 12th you should move first as well.
Blizz failed plain and simple and should either expand the capacity, continue with layering into phase 2 or allow free transfers that is their only recourse at this time. Step up and do the right thing Blizz and stop failing your paying customers.


truth bomb

Yeah I know. I’ve been agreeing with you since the start :stuck_out_tongue:


yes let me just waste the last 27 hours to start over.


i have toons on more than one realm and so do my friends. you can play a different toon with the same friends on a different server.

edit: you can have 50 different toons.


Please go grind some real life experience.


which would be fantastic to do while in queuu waiting to play on main character

free transfers - now please, let us get off these realms with our characters and balance this mess on our own

Yes I am casual if you mean I didn’t take time off work or my other adult responsibilities to rush to 60 as soon as Classic was released. I, like many others, am playing classic because I enjoy it. I’ve been sitting in queue like most others. So, for the 2% “hardcore elitist” goons who cares lol.

And yes keep complaining about PVP on a PVP server.

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You knew that some realms had much bigger queues than others before making it to that 27 hours mark though. There should’ve been more servers to begin with but I still think that currently, after only 3 days, server transfers are a bad idea.

Well thank you for speaking for us all.
Its appreciated and a real time saver too

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