Two New WoW Classic Realms Opening In This Region

Don’t flag yourself for PvP if you don’t want to be ganked.

Oh I know I did, just not on that specific post.

this is a major duh. if you want to play on a pvp server then you’ll open yourself up to being ganked. there are normal servers and a normal rp server if you don’t want to.

That’s the funny thing, since they released this at a later patch there are safe areas, it’s not real vanilla. Should’ve did it from day one patch w/e that was so people actually found out the hard way how it was. But there are hostile zones as well at a certain level.

I wasn’t talking about me btw, was just giving an example of what’s going to happen.

You still have no arguments.

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Not gonna even add anything to that, you clearly weren’t getting what I was laying down from the start. Gonna dip out of this thread, it’s gotten to the point where you start losing IQ points if you stick around.

For what? The server transfers? I literally just explained it all to you and why it’s a good idea. There is no way you are this dense you have to be a troll

i believe the correct forum approved response to complaining about being ganked is “pvp happened.” i gave a solution and didn’t troll.

If the patch currently being played was in Vanilla, it’s real Vanilla.

Don’t be a gatekeeper.

Increase server capacity or riot.

Nah just meant it’s blizzard coddling the player base again like they’ve done in bfa, I don’t really care as there are some quality of life things they’ve changed that are great but this isn’t real vanilla by any means as in I wish they would’ve forced you to experience it for real if you haven’t already.

Nobody said that server transfers were not a good solution. That’s what YOU don’t get. It’s a fine solution if the game is not 3 days old.

80 IQ take. We want layering gone. Increasing server capacity is the worst move. Either they offer free server transfers, or you just reroll or deal. It’s that simple. Riot? What are you going to do, burn down your local CVS? Sounds productive…

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Hey guys, move again and then in a day there will be a 6k queue there too! I appreciate the attempts but they probably should open new severs and transfer people at the same time.


They cant remove layering at this point, imagine when you logged in and saw the boars not moving and people unable to move for a 4second delay.

Now Quadruple that. They underestimated the amount of people.

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i mean it sounds like you care

if they made servers that could ONLY BE ACCESSED by transfering from a full realm then i wouldn’t see an issue. the problem is what it would do to the community if they just open them up willy nilly.

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So then what argument are you talking about jesus christ lol.

he keeps saying to open new servers only to transfer to not to make it open to ones that already exist. he’s said it like 94302809348230948234 times.

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Why it’s a good idea to do it now? Isn’t that what you’re arguing for and what I’m arguing against?