Two New WoW Classic Realms Opening In This Region

CREATE A TOON ON A DIFFERENT REALM. you can play. you’re choosing not to. initially the rp server had queues out the butt so i made a horde warlock on old blanchy. he’s level 12. like most of my toons i’ve made on classic.


Im on one of those high pop servers with large queue times. I understand that they gave us options, and I took them I rerolled 2 times. both times those server filled up too. now I have accepted that this is going to be a part of it for a while. and I have to say, Im kinda proud of the turn out in classic, even if it is just a bunch of people who may not be here in 2 weeks time. love the game blizzard, and thanks for trying for us!


More realms aren’t going to fix the ones that are already full/high pop with people that have already invested time/effort and are there with their friends/guildmates. You need to fix the queue times on those realms and do a cut off for players that aren’t already established on the realm at least temporarily, would also be a wise idea to give people free xfers if they intend on leaving those realms if their friends get cut off or even for those not wanting to deal with the queue.

By no means am I complaining as the majority of the player base will die off sooner or later, especially the participation reward crowd that’s coddled by BFA, but you have dropped the ball with bfa and classic so far.

Servers with a small queue is no problem at all considering how close we are from release of the most hyped game in a long time. It will only get better from there with time.

Sounds like you don’t have a community to play with.
Your solution only works if you want to play alone.

Blizzard advertised this as a return to classic where you can play with your friends and reconnect. Hell you see it plastered all over their Twitter accounts.

Maybe if you had some friends and a community you were attached to you might be able to grasp this concept and understand the problem.


No I know. I agree with you. All I’m saying is that if we accommodate everyone who refuses to reroll, it will jam every other servers up.

Then they can suffer in the que’s and not complain. Or they, along with all their friends can do like i had to do. Make a decision… rerolling at this point costs you about 24 hours played time (if you are incredibly lucky) you can eat that much que time in a couple days which is time spent not leveling…

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does your group have a discord? and yes, almost all of my friends that play play on the rp realm. that’s where most of my toons are. that’s where i’m gonna do most of the stuff i want to do later. though i have friends who rolled on old blanchy too because of the queues. so the people i want to play with, i can.

Let me explain to you how this ACTUALLY works and not like in your pea sized brain.

Lets say you have 20k on herod. And on other servers you have 5k, 6k, and 8k. You open up transfers from herod to those servers, once one hits 9k you close it off from transfers, then you have two to choose from, once that hits 9k you close it off.

That’s how these things work. You clearly don’t know anything here bud.

Free realm xfers would be nice right about now only way im moving

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What does having a discord have to do with this. Just because we can sit and chat has nothing to do with the fact we can’t play and enjoy the game together. We can’t group together. We can’t run dungeons together and laugh and enjoy the game together.

Sure we can sit an chat in discord. But how does that add to the experience if i chose to reroll on another server, and started playing by myself?

Its been what, a few days since release? Why is everyone complaining about “starting over”, we just started???


tell each other which realm your rerolling on and then play together. the most logical choice, of course.

So you want me to has 20+ people to reroll after they have put 40+ hours into playing?

How about Blizzard deliver on their initial promise and give me what I paid for.

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Just wish there was a realistic way to funnel people to specific servers for the content they’ll end up doing, I’m sure herod/stalagg and a couple others are going to be major raiding realms pushing for naxx, if you realistically only have ever bothered to do lfr you should be grouped with other lfr players on a separate realm.

Same thing with pvp and other groups, Retail for example, if you want to pvp you’d go to a realm like tichondrius because it had such a high pvp population, same thing goes for raiding with kj/illidan and a handful of other realms. Be realistic when choosing a realm or they should’ve did it for you, not like the majority of the player base is going to be doing naxx when it’s released. I’m sure there are a ton of players that will only grind rep and level and maybe at most do dungeons throughout classic. It’s just compounding the problem especially with the amount of tourists that will die off in a few weeks to a few months.

I knew what to expect but that’s just my two cents on the ordeal, it doesn’t really bother me but I’m sure if I didn’t have my life sorted to the point I could do what I wanted when I wanted then it’d be irritating working a 9-5 job, wait 6 hrs for queue then get an hr of play time just to go to bed and do it all over, although you could probably remote access to your computer if you were smart enough and log in well ahead before you get off work.

But this is a pretty big problem on both ends in my opinion.

Yes you’re right, my pea sized brain can’t comprehend any of this. Everything you say is absolutely true. Which is why you’re being offered server transfers right now. What’s that? They are not talking about server transfers?! How odd that they wouldn’t follow your words of wisdom. Especially when it’s already been a whole 72 hours since the game launched.

Imagine this

they create a server for full server people to transfer to.

Wow, insane. Now ques are half, or even less. I know that would really negatively affect you and your gameplay. But please think about it blizzard employee kazryth.

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i rerolled 39587349857345 times when i first started playing vanilla. i decided i didn’t like a server, because it was too big, or too small, or was pvp. you know what i did? i sent all of my money to a lowbie priest i /who’d on each realm because they were gods work.

You paid for access to classic. You can log in the game therefore you got what you paid for.


Lol get explained how things actually worked unlike the absolutely ridiculous way you thought it out in your head and you turn to “LOL BUT WHERE IS IT BRO”. Glad you proven your true intelligence.