Two New WoW Classic Realms Opening In This Region

You are assuming they will provide the transfers. Also part of wanting to be on the same server with them is so that I can experience the leveling experience with them as well.

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you just argued against me when i made this point that it’s about playing together. if they’re not willing to reroll with you when most people are in their 20s maybe you’re not as good a friend to them as you think.

I’m not subbing because I want to play retail.
So this recommendation is moot for many players.


Get them to move or wait it out. This immediate gratification attitude is stupid and exactly how we ended up with BFA.

Server transfers would be the best move. Cap increase is stupid.

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Poor Kaivax, you don’t understand your audience.

These players would rather stay on full servers complaining about how they can’t play rather than playing on a new server.


that’s a you problem then. :slight_smile:

The guild of 70+ players I’m in will move realms in a heartbeat as soon as transfers open up.

Most of us are 30+ years old, returning to the game and took time off work to level for the first week, and most are over level 25 with many over level 30. Opening new realms is good and all, but that doesn’t help the situation that the time has been vested into the characters. Many say “bite the bullet and reroll” but that doesn’t help when people scheduled time off to play. Saying that is essentially telling them they wasted their vacation time because of a horribly mismanaged launch.

The three options I see are:
1: raise the cap of players on the realms even higher to alleviate the queues, then before phase two list the overpopulation of accounts with level 10+ toons and tell people they have to transfer or they are screwed when layering is removed. Keep the numbers updated so they can see how many need to transfer off.
2: open transfers asap, then resort to option 1 closer to phase 2
3: keep things they way they are and screw over the populated servers.
4: Take a server like Herod for example, or Stalagg or Whitemane and split them into two servers with population evenly distributed and faction balance still the same (keeping guilds together). Then get rid of the original server name so no one knows who kept the original server so there is no complaining.

Keep in mind, many of us will play with our friends/long time guildmates or not at all. This is where the contention comes from and stubbornness of people not leaving servers. It’s not a threat, and its not everyone that has this stubbornness. Many people planned for a long time to play together, including people getting back in touch from vanilla guilds that we haven’t been in contact with for over 10 years.

I truly believe as a company, the right decision will be made for the players. What is frustrating is the lack of communication regarding the plans. Many are counting on transfers to get rid of the queues. If there is a <3 in your blue text, please try to find a way to inform us of your plans.

Also, I just want to say, the game is amazing! There a lots of little quirks that need worked out, but realistically this game turned out very well. Great job! I am very excited to see where this goes!

edit grammar
edit 2 option 4


You are a bad troll. You are intentionally trying to create a circular argument.

Clearly you are willing to ignore that Blizzard has failed to deliver on what they promised and you don’t care to use logical reasoning in any shape or form.

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No, many people stuck in this poorly thought out release only Resubscribed to play classic you weak excuse for a troll.

both names i wanted to get… my mains names. i was able to get on both servers i’m one. one sec and i’ll show you.

this is my retail warlock

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They promised you could play Classic. They never said “you can play Classic and we’ll do everything to accommodate your demands while you disregard the solutions we offer”.

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And if we had server xfers those servers would have similar populations to the rest of them and the high ones would as well. That’s what you apparently aren’t understanding.


For reals, why are you opening up even more realms, we had a few realms at medium population last night at prime time, and the popularity will slowly filter out.

I thought your goal was to create long sterm stability of these realms by not introducing so many that everntually most will filter out with low populations, which is why it created this server queue mess.

Yet here we are with even more additional realms when a lot of the newer ones weren’t even at high population last night.

The problem is getting existing characters to move OFF the overpopulated realms which isn’t going to happen without transfers. Not by creating even more realms.

Now it’s definately going to be a choice of “should I even roll on these new realms and eventually face a dead population since everyone has been playing on the other ones”.


This is a good move. Thank you.

Please consider free transfers to a new server. A lot of people burned valuable vacation days and their time is so limited and valuable that flushing all their effort down the drain is too much to ask. If you want to make these servers have the most impact on lessening queues, please offer transfers off the high pop realms.


Just because you do not agree with other people does it mean they are a troll. You have called everyone you responded to a troll. Not going to make much progress if you continue that.

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this is the only other toon i have from classic that’s showing up on my ability to post. this is the 3rd name i wanted too. baby dekkar is on old blanchy. i’ll post on him later if he shows up.

They Promised I could play classic. So If I can’t play classic because they can’t resolve the queue problem then they have failed to deliver on their promise.

I can’t play, and many can’t play. I am not receiving the services I paid for based on the promise they made.

If by plan to move you mean next week your offering free transfers, sure :slight_smile: People have invested time into their toons. Transfers would allow them to spread out a bit more


Let me give you an example. Herod has a queue large enough to fill a server on its own. If you take some of that queue, you end up with 2 servers will slightly smaller queues. You moved the problem. So now, the new players or the people who weren’t stubborn and reroll are now stuck with no options.