Two New WoW Classic Realms Opening In This Region

It is their responsibility to deliver on what they promised.

The screwed that up before release though. They enticed the whole playerbase into Resubscribing early so those players could supposedly save their names and secure a home. Oh wait.,… That didn’t happen. Horrid business practice and honestly its borderline fraud.


He’s right though. Phase 2, without the layering, is going to be a totally new type of trainwreck. You think resources are thin now? Wait until there’s 300 people in every zone. Even the murlocs won’t have the numbers to serve the playerbase, let alone things like resource nodes.

  • Open ONE SERVER on brasil so the south american players can enjoy the game with low ping

  • Open one server on KOREA or JAPAN to the asian players

  • Open One server on Australia to allow these people enjoy the game with low ping

The cost of open a server is a joke of price for you blizzard so dont be greedy


No they’re not? Funny because I rerolled 3 times by now and every time, my new server filled up.

You can’t grasp why allowing transfers from high/full realms (which is all of them) to low pop server would be a problem? Are you saying that the entirety of the queues and the overpopulation can fit in 2 servers? Unless you’re suggesting that the free transfer be offered to you and your friends alone, I don’t see how you can’t see how that would be a problem.

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fraud? that’s dramatic. you had a few hours when the second batch up servers came up and they said certain realms would have signifcant queue times to reroll. people who were just chillin and not saving names when they released when you had 50 different toons you could make have only done it to themselves.

I remember back in vanilla they would open up a bunch of new realms, and people would flock to them. Here we are today, with a bunch of dead realms. Seeing history repeat itself here…

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‘Filled up’ is that why I still see low pop realms?

I’m suggesting you take the high populations and you spread them out across the other servers until they are more even. Do you really not understand this? If all the servers still have ques when they spread them out. THEN add new servers. Adding new servers while you still have a lot sitting at full is dumb AF.

I concur with Lunavale 100%.


Doesn’t matter what you’re arguing for, you are right

most people are in their 20s about now. so the most they could have is a couple of gold and some 8 slot bags. is it really necessary at this point to do server transfers? no.

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please transfer an 8th time to be put in back of the line in another queue

genius level thinking


There are players in their 30s already… And even some in their 40s.


Yet most people complaining about que have yet to reach lvl 15. Re roll on another server.

people who can log in obviously. we’re not talking about those people. we’re talking about the ones who are somehow married to a server because they don’t want to reoll when they haven’t gotten much time to level. and before you say something. if it was really about “community” as you guys are saying it is they wouldn’t be level 40 not waiting for their friends who they would want to level WITH and do dungeons together. i can solo level on retail and get ready for end game. that’s not what classic is about.

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There’s currently 2 realms showing as “low”. That’s what you don’t seem to get. Once prime time in NA hits in around 2 hours, all the realms will be full. Yeah sure, if I get on at 3am I’ll be able to log without a queue but that’s totally irrelevant. What you don’t understand is that this problem you’re having, is entirely on you. Again, you’re refusing to take the solutions offered to you.

Obviously you missed the part where moving would mean they can’t play with their friends and guild. People who think like this are either bad at trolling, or are really not using their grey matter very well.


Maybe read a comment I made way earlier, Re roll now and when they offer xfers your friends can move to your new server.

Or those players are making use of their game time and getting what they paid for?

when i’ve had queues i’ve logged into retail and done some WQ and stuff on it until later. i’m on realms that are not super full though so it doesn’t happen all the time. i’m more than getting my monies worth.

Blizz, you REALLY should have free transfers to these servers.